What's Your Motivation?



  • Zepplipop
    Zepplipop Posts: 33
    My motivation is the voice in my head that says,'" run fatty, run". he's kind of a **** but effective.

    LOL, this^^.. An also I found an amazing pair of turquoise python print skinny jeans, for $6. They will fit me!
  • cassy30
    cassy30 Posts: 18
    My motivation is i'm 32 years old, i want a healthy fit body for once! I feel more energized and alive as i loose the weight and eat more veggies. I dont feel weighted down as much. I have an instagram page, and on there i follow fit people, and say, ill be putting a before and after pic up one day soon as well!! Just wait!! :-)
  • Adriennerp720
    My motivation is that I want to wear sleeveless sundresses this summer without the shrug (little jacket)!! I dont wamt flabby arms & I want to wear cute capris!!
  • jhstroebel
    jhstroebel Posts: 49 Member
    My motivation is the voice in my head that says,'" run fatty, run". he's kind of a **** but effective.

    This... same crazy voice, problem is I can't make it stop. Used to be, "just get to 1 mile" and has suddenly turned into "just a 5k today, weak... maybe you should at least ride the bike for another few miles"
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    1. The non-negotiable truth that I deserve absolutely nothing less than the best version of myself possible.

    2. And so does everyone I love.

    3. Lifting makes me feel like a bad@ss. Running makes me feel like a goddess. I'll work for both of those feelings fo sho.

    4. Preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
  • handeye
    handeye Posts: 52 Member
    my motivation is really the runner's high/endorphin kick you get during and after a good workout. that sounds silly but i've had a rough couple years, and exercise is the way i cope with the stress and endorphins are totally the best natural drug. i also treat myself to the sauna after every-work out as my reward. it's a perfect end - nice relaxing quiet time.

    it's funny how i started working out to feel better about my body, but how exercise has changed into something else completely different for me. obviously, the health and fitness aspects are great benefits, but de-stressing and getting my natural drug fix is really what keeps me going back for more.
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I did it once, so I can do it again! Two years ago I got within 2 lbs of my goal weight right before my wedding. Then I turned around and put it all (plus some back on). All the cute clothes I bought that summer don't fit now, so I'm going to change that! And my kids!!
  • LJgfg
    LJgfg Posts: 81 Member
    Music makes a workout bearable *smile* But my main motivation is (are?) the things I want TO DO. I want to finish the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. I have wanted to run this since I was in high school. I want to run a Spartan / Warrior Dash style race. I want to be competitive in the local Fast Flash 5k (me and the police car have been good friends in that race for too many years). I want to hike every trail in every state park in Indiana - and I want to do it without my kids having to stop at the top of every uphill or set of stairs and 'wait for mom'. I want to be able to ride amusement park rides and not have to worry about whether my tushy will be able to squeeze into the seat.

    What I'm not sure about is this crazy lady I'm turning into - who can't go for a walk without a stopwatch, who must walk at least 3x's a week, who measures her portions and has started eating whole grains, who uses words like personal best, glide, pace, and negative splits, who uses the word "only" in front of the phrase "x miles", who actually turns down soda - just glad whoever this is I'm turning into still has a great sense of humor.