Looking for friends for a new start

Hi guys,

I've been exercising 5 to 6 times a week for the past month and a half but I haven't lost any weight, surely because I do not watch what I eat ... That's why I started counting calories today.
It is something really new for me (I've been on a lot of diet but never one requiring counting calories ...) but I thought that I could give it a try.

For now I chose an objective that would still mean that I am over-weight (BMI of 29) but I think given my personnality it's better to start with achievable goals. If everything works out, I'll review it !
I am looking for some friends to help me with my weight loss. As many others I have had troubles in the long run and I'm sure some support would help a lot !

Feel free to add me as a friend !



  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    request sent, I started counting calories a few weeks back and happy to help and support!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    Small achievable goals are the best way to go. My first goal I think is a bit of a stretch but I'm not giving up yet.

    Feel free to add me. :o)