Is Stronglifts 5x5 enough of a leg workout?

marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
I'm trying to put together a good fitness plan, and I've decided on C25K three days a week, and strength training three more days, with a rest day on Fridays. For my strength days, I was thinking of doing SL (starting the program today), followed by two 15 minute circuits from the Nike Training Club app, the circuits for legs and abs. However, with all of the squatting and deadlifts in SL, would it be too much legwork to do both lifting and the circuit, or would it work a wider range of muscles in the legs to do both? My legs are definitely one of my problem areas so I want to do as much as I can, but I don't want to overwork them and end up injured either. I'd really appreciate any help!


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    That all sounds like a LOT of work, and it sounds like its all NEW work to you? As in you are new to running, new to the circuits, and new to barbell compounds?

    that's *probably* too many new things at once. I'd leave the circuits out, entirely (or one thing of your choice anyway), and just do the strength and running for now - honestly even that is too much for a lot of people. If you were already an experienced runner or lifter I'd say maybe. But since its all new, I'd drop something.

    Squats and dead lifts will hit every muscle in your legs, in some way, including your calves.

    And - its a myth that more work = better. Quality work + Rest + Recovery = better. And when you're just starting out you need a LOT more recovery than someone that's been lifting for several years.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    C25K covers your cardio, so skip the circuit training.
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I am no expert.

    I am doing the running and the SL 5X5 - and its enough of a workout for my legs. I don't think you will need the circuit training.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    We all react to exercise a little differently, so try to find what is best for you. But I agree with Tameko that that sounds like a lot of work, especially if you are new to both running and barbell work.

    I thought I was in decent shape when I started SL 10 weeks ago. I"m near goal weight and had completed ChaLean Extreme, p90x, and Rushfit. But seriously all I can do right now on days I'm not lifting is walk the dog and some light yoga. Otherwise I'm pretty wiped out. Partially that is because of a caloric deficit, but still, keep in mind that SL gets tough quickly.

    Good luck!
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    @Tameko: Yes, this is all very very new to me! I restarted C25K outside (after failing to get past week 1 on the treadmill out of boredom) about a month ago, I did the Nike circuits a couple of times last week, and I'm starting StrongLifts today.

    The general consensus seems to be to axe the circuits, so I'll stick to just doing SL on my strength days. I have about 40 pounds to drop and I figured I should start early on trying to build ab muscles. Should I just not worry about abs until I'm closer to my goal weight? Or does SL address that area somewhat as well? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm still VERY new to fitness and I haven't even experienced lifting yet, so I'm not really sure what areas it targets. Just by habit, when I think of lifting I think of arms, back, shoulders, and chest only. I have a lot to learn. [:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    @Tameko: Yes, this is all very very new to me! I restarted C25K outside (after failing to get past week 1 on the treadmill out of boredom) about a month ago, I did the Nike circuits a couple of times last week, and I'm starting StrongLifts today.

    The general consensus seems to be to axe the circuits, so I'll stick to just doing SL on my strength days. I have about 40 pounds to drop and I figured I should start early on trying to build ab muscles. Should I just not worry about abs until I'm closer to my goal weight? Or does SL address that area somewhat as well? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm still VERY new to fitness and I haven't even experienced lifting yet, so I'm not really sure what areas it targets. Just by habit, when I think of lifting I think of arms, back, shoulders, and chest only. I have a lot to learn. [:

    You have ab muscles. with the exercises you'll be doing in SL, you will strengthen them. as you shed fat, they will become more and more visible.

    Also, this should go without saying, but make sure you read the SL ebook before starting. By reading it ahead of time, you will avoid the common pitfalls.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I have about 40 pounds to drop and I figured I should start early on trying to build ab muscles. Should I just not worry about abs until I'm closer to my goal weight? Or does SL address that area somewhat as well?

    I did all kinds of exercise under the sun before starting SL. My abs have never been stronger and more defined. I'm on my 3rd month of SL.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    @Tameko: Yes, this is all very very new to me! I restarted C25K outside (after failing to get past week 1 on the treadmill out of boredom) about a month ago, I did the Nike circuits a couple of times last week, and I'm starting StrongLifts today.

    The general consensus seems to be to axe the circuits, so I'll stick to just doing SL on my strength days. I have about 40 pounds to drop and I figured I should start early on trying to build ab muscles. Should I just not worry about abs until I'm closer to my goal weight? Or does SL address that area somewhat as well? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm still VERY new to fitness and I haven't even experienced lifting yet, so I'm not really sure what areas it targets. Just by habit, when I think of lifting I think of arms, back, shoulders, and chest only. I have a lot to learn. [:

    Those aren't stupid questions. The health and fitness field is full of conflicting and mis-information so even some people who claim to "know it all" don't necessarily know it all!

    Compound lifts are exercises that exercise more than one muscle group, and can be identified by multi-joint movement. (As opposed to say a bicep curl where you are only moving your elbow.) All of the compound lifts in SL are all pretty much full body lifts. Even when I'm bench pressing I tighten my abs, and push down with my legs.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    when I think of lifting I think of arms, back, shoulders, and chest only. I have a lot to learn.

    That's not your fault. I used to think the same thing.

    That's all brought to us courtesy of isolation exercises and the blown-up upper body muscle dudes with the skinny legs and has nothing to do with compound lifting, which works your entire body, including your ab muscles, because you will be using those to balance your core as you move the bar and weights through space.

    Just stick to the main lifts and you'll be fine. They will strengthen your entire body and give you a well-defined, balanced musculature all over everywhere.

    Yep, read the e-book, and another highly recommended read is Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training. Money well spent, even though it goes into more detail than you'll probably ever care to know about, but it covers the basics very thoroughly, which is what you need at this point in the game (and beyond).

    I agree with everything said so far, really.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I'm going to agree with everyone here that circuits+running+SL is too much. You would likely injure yourself. I would stick to SL and some light cardio. I was and am still suprised how taxing SL can be. I'm into my third month and it is a really tough workout. I go to a Zumba class on one of my off days from lifting and that is the only cardio that I do.

    I am absolutely amazed by the changes happening in my body. I have only lost 9lbs since January 1st but I have lost lots of inches and am fitting into clothes that were tight when I was 15lbs lighter than I am now. It seems within the last few weeks that I'm seeing some pretty big changes in the way my body looks.

    If you really enjoy cardio then I would incorporate it into your life but a ton of cardio is not needed for fat loss.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    C25K covers your cardio, so skip the circuit training.

    ^Yes. Lift on certain days, and cardio on the others... and rest days are very important!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I also did C25K and Stronglifts (although my plan is slightly different from yours - I do C25K right after lifting). I started both at the same time (although I had already made it most of the way through C25K in the past). I actually just finished C25K last week. It was fine to do those two at the same time but I wouldn't worry about adding anything else.
    I can tell you that your legs will get muscular quickly just with this combo. My thighs are still bigger than I would like but they are pretty solid and no longer jiggly.
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for all the wonderful advice! I'll definitely be getting rid of the circuits and just sticking to C25K and StrongLifts. I'm definitely surprised (and happy) to learn that lifting will work more than just my upper body (and to be quite honest, I completely forgot that running is by nature a leg workout as well). I decided to start the program on Thursday instead (tomorrow is C25K day) and take the time to thoroughly go through the e-book and read through the summary thread on here. The last thing I need is an injury because I just went to the gym and started throwing around weight with terrible form. Thanks so much for all the advice. [:
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for all the wonderful advice! I'll definitely be getting rid of the circuits and just sticking to C25K and StrongLifts. I'm definitely surprised (and happy) to learn that lifting will work more than just my upper body (and to be quite honest, I completely forgot that running is by nature a leg workout as well). I decided to start the program on Thursday instead (tomorrow is C25K day) and take the time to thoroughly go through the e-book and read through the summary thread on here. The last thing I need is an injury because I just went to the gym and started throwing around weight with terrible form. Thanks so much for all the advice. [:

    Good luck!