

  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    Down 1.3 lbs this week :-)
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    L/W: 148.0
    T/W: 148.4. =UP .4

    1/2/13: 153.8
    1/8/13: 152.2 loss: 1.6
    1/15: 150.8 loss: 1.4 total: 3.0 (oh, that makes me feel excited)
    1/26: 148.8 loss: 2.0 pounds (I posted Friday instead of tuesday because I missed last week)
    2/3: 147.8 loss: 1 pound
    2/12 150.8 + 3 pounds
    2/19: 148.8: loss 2 pounds
    2/25: didn't weigh in... just a bad week
    3/12: 148.8
    3/19: 148.0
    3/5: 148.8 = stayed the same
    3/12: 150.2 + 1.4 pounds--sick in bed for 3 days with saltines...
    3/19: 148.0- 2.2
    3.26: 148.4 +.4

    total so far in 2013: Lost 5.4 pounds

    next week goal: Do a better job logging, water and keep at 148.0 or under
    g/w: around 135
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Opening weight 151.8.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Start Weight 269 lbs
    Goal Weight 217 lbs

    Last week 247.8 lbs
    This week 246 lbs

    Loss of 1.8 lbs
    Total Loss of 23 lbs
  • jc1231
    jc1231 Posts: 67
    I gained 1.2 pounds this week, but considering the week I have had I am ok with it. This week will be better!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm up 1.8 this week :( probably due to too much fried food and not enough water
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    Well I am not helping with the percentage this week. The two pounds I lost last week came back on this week so +2.

    uggghhh. Here's hoping for a better week this week. With easter who knows. I am hosting the family lunch so not only does that mean I eat the unhealthy meal once it means I have leftovers!!! I have been good and have not sneaked any of the easter bunny candy yet. Although I plan on making the baskets tonight, so the bags will be open.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    I lost 2.8 this week.
  • srcantgiveup
    srcantgiveup Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for all the reports.. I love the accountability of our group.
    I love seeing too all of your good and - trying some more- weigh'ins.

    I am plugging along and have made a small term goal for myself.
    It is right in line with the one pound a week goal.. To be 137 by July 4th weekend.

    My weight today 149.
    Down .8 this last week..

    Keep up all the good work - everyone and I'll tty next week.. life here is so busy..
  • reemer884
    reemer884 Posts: 11 Member
    Last week: 167.4
    This week: 162.4

    Last week's weigh-in was in the afternoon and this week was first thing in the morning. I'm going ot start weighing first thing in the morning every single week. :)
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I gained 1 pound. Oops!
  • Katerina2109
    Katerina2109 Posts: 36 Member
    no loss this week
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 139 Member
    1/1 - 215
    1/29 - 206.2
    2/5 - 205.2
    2/26 - 203.4 (-1.4)
    3/5 - 202.4 (-1)
    3/12 - 201.2 (-1.2)
    3/19 - 198.8 (-2.4)
    3/25 - 197.7 (-1.1) - but my scale was acting funny this morning, so I'm not sure if I believe this. I will try again tomorrow just to be sure:

    Total loss = 17.3
  • srcantgiveup
    srcantgiveup Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for all the reports.. I love the accountability of our group.
    I love seeing too all of your good and - trying some more- weigh'ins.

    I am plugging along and have made a small term goal for myself.
    It is right in line with the one pound a week goal.. To be 237 by July 4th weekend.

    My weight today 249.
    Down .8 this last week..

    Keep up all the good work - everyone and I'll tty next week.. life here is so busy..
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I am down .9 lbs this week. Not bad considering with the chest pain issues I was having I did not get a lot of activity in last week. Hoping to do much better next weigh in!
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Congratulations on all your losses. For those of you who started Jan 1, we're almost finished our 3rd month. Feels great, doesn't it!

    This week, I lost 1.2 pounds.
  • PrimaveraEterna007
    Wk 12 3/22.....203.4 lbs. lost 2.7 pounds
  • Lauralei36
    Lauralei36 Posts: 61 Member
    I lost another pound this week making a total of 12 so far for week 12.
  • AmyRose2010
    Oops! Almost forgot to check in this week. I can't believe it but I'm up 6.2 this week. Went to Spring Training and ate way too much junk food and drank way too much beer. I'm hoping most will come off by next week due to water weight...we'll see.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Down to 189 :-)
    That's a 1 pound loss for me