Newbie BPD and EID- Balance Buddies?

newki Posts: 30 Member
Hello there! My name is Rex and I have Bipolar Disorder and Emotional intensity Disorder (As if one wasn't enough right? Though I see many of you also get to enjoy the throws of multiple issues). I have been in a steady recovery for a while, but lapse every once in a while. I've found that keeping a regular schedule and eating healthy (VITAMINS!!!) and exercising daily have a huge effect on my mood and help keep me balanced. What I am having an issue with is keeping that balance, I go on week binges where I eat crap and don't take my vitamins and then don't sleep properly. It's generally just that I need the motivation... I do not take medications as they've had far too many adverse effects on my body and all generally lead me to a paranoia or some other extreme.

I'm looking for friends to join me in keeping healthy, food, exercise, sleep, fun and all the other good stuff that comes with being balanced every day! I need the support for all of this, and I'm happy and willing to give back that support to anyone who'd like to join me. :)


  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I'm sending a friend request. I've got ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (not the same as OCD) -- basically I'm an uber-perfectionst, with an executive function capacity that literally make it impossible to be one!

    I can absolutely relate to the need for balance, and I'm searching for it in my own life. Like you said, once one thing goes awry, everything goes to hell. I'm getting over being sick -- just a cold -- but that's been enough to mess with my sleep, cause me not to take my vitamins, eat crazy and... now I'm behind on my work so I'm panicking about that and it makes everything worse. Thank goodness it's Friday because just maybe I can restore some of the balance this weekend. I just wish I could hold onto it for more than 12 hours at a time!
  • Cynclancurrie
    I have bipolar II, borderline personality disorder, PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder. I am trying to get permission to try to go off my meds from my psychiatrist, but I realize that it is scary for my family. After 44 years of mental health issues and eleven suicide attempts, they don't really trust me. I am in remission from cutting (yay me), I eat a pretty healthy diet with large amounts of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, low fat dairy. Before I crushed my right leg in an accident, I had been quite active. I'm trying to get back to that. At 54, I'm not that picky about achieving the perfect body. Any calorie intake below about 1400 triggers severe depression and anxiety and panic attacks in me. I guess I have low blood sugar also.

    I want to achieve balance, also. After twenty years raising my son, seven working as a substitute teacher and seven years as a program director at the local library, I am itching to get away from this and concentrate on my artwork. My income is less than helpful and I feel I am making progress every time I focus on art.
  • Recovery_Girl
    Hi, I'm Lauren, new to the group. Glad I joined because this was the first post I saw, which is a great sign because I'm currently enjoying those multiple joys and would love to be supportive for anyone else in a similar position. And I could definitely use some support.
    My diagnosis reads like a manifest haha so I won't spill it all here but the biggies are RTS (rape trauma syndrome), ED, OCD, PTSD (because who wouldn't need an extra layer over that RTS right?), EID, and as my counselor puts it "general depression" with self harming and suicidal tendencies. I also live in an extremely abusive environment currently so getting healthy has become my ray of light at the end of the tunnel in order to get away from it. Of course with the letterboard I've got going on that ray is very hard to see most days but I'm working on it.
    I've been trying to get a decent amount of exercise and eat healthy, honestly not doing so great there because it plays into my ED. But yeah, sleep is a distant memory at this point. I've been interested in trying vitamins, anything to get away from the medications I've been on. But I'm kind of at a loss. Anything specific working for you?