Flags should be the only thing flapping in wind! 3/20

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

OOOOOOOOH! This one is really good for someone like me that has flap...oooo what is every woman's nightmare? To wave and your hand is not the only thing waving!!!!!!!! So...break out the dumb-bells and get busy! You can make this your workout or add one set to your routine today or archive for later.
I tell ya dips to me never get 'easy' ugh! It looks so simple!
If you are like me need to get busy now for the TANK TOP season is around the corner....and oh dudes you are not exempt either! You need this too! For what do we women grab first?!?!?! Your arm! HA!
CRANK it out today!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    It's all in how you hold your arms! Wish I could show a visual, but I don't know how to explain it, but in dance we hold our arms a certain way and that flap disappears.

    Best way I can explain (and you will need to get in front of a mirror for it) put arms out to the sides, keep your elbows soft, turn your hands so the backs of your hands are facing forward and voila the flab shrinks!

    But seriously, Super Trainer has me do bi's and tri's (remember gotta keep things even or the muscles look funny!) every week it's a great workout (still feeling it from Monday!!!!)
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Oh my goodness - you really know which muscles those exercise are going to work since you can see the model's muscles moving so clearly. I watched my recording of the Biggest Loser final last night and I noticed that Ally has been working on her arms and top more since she has much more definition in that area than in the past. Thanks for another great video Wonder Woman.

    And I can't wait to stand in front of my mirror at home as see how this works: Best way I can explain (and you will need to get in front of a mirror for it) put arms out to the sides, keep your elbows soft, turn your hands so the backs of your hands are facing forward and voila the flab shrinks!

    I will have to see if the concept of soft elbows is something I understand.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Oh my goodness - you really know which muscles those exercise are going to work since you can see the model's muscles moving so clearly. I watched my recording of the Biggest Loser final last night and I noticed that Ally has been working on her arms and top more since she has much more definition in that area than in the past. Thanks for another great video Wonder Woman.

    And I can't wait to stand in front of my mirror at home as see how this works: Best way I can explain (and you will need to get in front of a mirror for it) put arms out to the sides, keep your elbows soft, turn your hands so the backs of your hands are facing forward and voila the flab shrinks!

    I will have to see if the concept of soft elbows is something I understand.
    Soft elbow is basically just not locking your elbows when you straighten your arms, have just a little bend in them
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I worked my arms today. I almost thought I was not going to be able to complete the circuit. But I did!