My Modified Routine

bryionak Posts: 110 Member
edited January 18 in Social Groups
I bought P90X last Oct and had sme starts and stops. I am on day 3 week 3 of my modified routine. It is working for me along with logging my food on this site. I am seeing a progress in my weight as well as my ability and that is encouraging.

One of the things that motivated me was someone at work looked great after a few months of P90X. He wasn't in bad shape to start with and was a retired Marine, but was really impressed with his results.

So after I got it, I was like "uh oh, can I even do this?". This led to some of the starts and stops. I talked to my doctor and she encouraged me to modify it as many of her patients did. So I came up with what I think are the routines I like doing (minimal yoga) and further mofiying those routines (wieght assisted pull ups, regular push ups instead of sphinx, over unders, etc.).

So here is what I am doing...

Monday - Core Synergistics (using 5 lb weights, mainly regular push ups for plank routines)
Tuesday - Shoulders and Arms (using 5lb and 10 lb weights)
Wednesday - Kenpo X
Thursday - Core Synergistics
Friday - Legs & Back
Saturday - Cardio X
Sunday - rest

I am also starting a couch to 5k routine last night. Plan on running Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. not doing the P90X diet, just trying to stay under my calories and not eat too bad. Still taking in too much sodium from some of my snacks and deli meats for lunch.

Feel free to comment and critique, but I am just trying to get into an exercise habit at this point and will hopefully do the full P90X routine starting in a 3 months or so.
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