Need some motivation girlies!!

I had a COMPLETE blow out day yesterday... urgh.... partly I think due to my crabby hormones just not caring AT ALL... partly because I reckon because I exercised so much the previous day and didn't really eat a whole lot coz I wasn't very hungry and could it have caught up on me yesterday? I don't know, but yesterday I was SO hungry and ate everything that stayed still long enough and craved sugar so bad. I think I must have had about 10 custard creams, urgh! To make matters worse, I had a KFC Zinger meal in the evening, and you can't get anything that doesn't give you a heart attack from KFC...

And so I didn't shred yesterday either. I am L3D2, so close!!! I'm off to work soon but I'll be home in about 5 and a half hours to get some lunch and shred... just hope my mind still isn't fighting my body...

Yesterday I didn't care, today I care a lot. I feel guilty and the crabby hormones have turned into weepy hormones. Post me your fitspiration please ladies!

M. xxx


  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    Well firstly, stop beating yourself about falling off the wagon and pat your self on the back for sticking to the shred for so many days! Just try to limit the damage by watching what you eat today and try to do your shred session today. Well done and keep going! I am way behind you on the Shred. I did Level 1 for 8 days but some celebrations and weekends away have got in the way so we have decided to start from scratch - I am on Level 1 day 4 today and I intend to finish it in 30 days straight so my goddess body - here I come Lol!!

    Lots of hugs - but pick yourself up, dust yourself down and keep going :)x
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Okay, so you had a bad day yesterday - that was yesterday! Today is a whole new day and you can put that all behind you and start afresh, and definitely get back to Jillian else I guarantee she will be banging your door down and wanting answers as to why you are "phoning it in"!!! :laugh:

    You've done such a great job so far and only have a week or so left to go, so give it that final push. You can do this and you know you can! :drinker:
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you so much ladies :smile:

    You have no clue just how much I needed to hear what you said, really picked me up, thank you :smile:

    I came back from work today and normally I'm starving hungry and head straight to lunch before doing my shred, but today I didn't feel too hungry (probably still full from my KFC lol!) so I got straight into my exercise gear and shredded. So glad I got it done now! I do rather like Level 3!!

    I have 2.5 weeks until I weigh in, gotta stay on track! I last weighed myself on Ash Wednesday and flicked the pages of one of the books belonging to my son and landed on page 46 so that's how many days I chose to go before jumping on the scales again, and set myself a goal of 15lb loss at the end of those days (yeah, I'm a bit weird, lol!) I get a spray tan and some lucious lashes at the salon if I meet my goal, hehe!! I want them so bad so I've got to be good from now on in!!!