new to turbo fire

marta07 Posts: 79 Member
so im on day 4 in turbo fire and i just wanna say i love it and the stretch 40 class is amazing . im doing the prep schedule and i wanted to know are the results as good as the regular class? thanks


  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! I did not do the prep schedule, but have gotten amazing results and actually fell in love with working out all thanks to Turbofire. I am currently on my last week of workouts on the 20 week schedule and have met and surpassed my weight loss goal and am the smallest size/weight I've ever been in my life. Good luck on your health and fitness journey.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I am currently halfway through week 8 of the prep schedule...almost done!! I have lost 13.4lbs in total, and 6 inches overall. I am 5'2" and started at 156lbs, am now 142.6lbs. It is definitely worth it to do it. I decided to do the prep schedule because I just had a baby a couple months before I started and didn't think my body was ready for the full schedule yet. But my stamina and endurance are so much better...even my husband says that there is a huge difference in how winded I get with my workouts. I am sooooo excited to start the actual program in a couple weeks!! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend. I log in every day :)
  • marta07
    marta07 Posts: 79 Member
    thanks guys <3
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I did the prep 2 separate times (had to take an extended break) and lost about the same number of inches each time. I lost more lbs the 2nd time, 14 was the total loss in 9 weeks. I plateaued near the end and finally just started losing again around the 3rd week of the regular schedule.