Words of Advice

stephcthomas Posts: 78 Member
Hello 2013 Brides! I was married on March 9th and we had such a wonderful wedding spent with family and friends.

I just wanted to let you know that it was wonderful because I let myself be okay with myself and feel beautiful at the size that I was on that day and not the size that I had told myself that I needed to be on that day.

I'm not saying to stop working on yourself because it's important that we keep up this work for the benefits of living a happy healthy life. I just want you all to have a good experience and feel as beautiful as I did on my day. You all deserve it.


  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Hear, hear! We needn't add more stress and perfectionism to a day that should just be about happiness.

    I'm trying to remain focused on being the best me for my entire marriage, not just one day. Constantly striving for self-improvement, but not beating myself up over time-specific goals.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Thank you for that!
  • cwga4a
    cwga4a Posts: 2
    Good words for all brides-to-be to hear and remember! Our fellas asked to marry us because they love the person we are. While we want to be healthy and beautiful on the big day, we have to remember that no matter what we look like when the walk down the aisle arrives - he's going to think we're perfect just as we are!
  • Chocolate_Queen
    Chocolate_Queen Posts: 59 Member
    Excellent advice!