Does everyone have "one that got away"?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    back to say I totally LOL'd at them being able to escape. snortlaugh.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I AM the one that got away.
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    I was told recently by an ex that I was her 'one that got away'. She said I did things for her that nobody has been able to match yet, but she was crazy.

    And I have one too, though who knows how things would have actually worked out had we stayed together. I did an internship during college down in Kansas City, MO. We clicked immediately and the only way I can describe the relationship was...intense, but natural.

    Needless to say, my internship ended and I faced the dilemma of staying there or returning to finish my last year of college. Well me being the logical person, I returned to college. We tried a long distance thing that worked for a while, but slowly lost touch. By the time I graduated, she was with her now husband.

    Will always wonder, what if I transferred colleges that senior year and stayed down there?
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Not really, but guess could say with a danish girl met while scuba diving in Thailand, but doesn't really count as weren't around each other long enough to know whether more than just a temporary crush.

    We were basically inseparable 24 hours a day for the only 2 weeks that we were there, we both considered staying there for 3-6 months to train for Dive Master's but I needed to sort money situation out. Was a very intense connection immediately, told each other basically our entire life stories within 24 hours of meeting.

    I know she went home, split up with her boyfriend and completely changed the study and career direction that she had been heading for (pushed by her family) and followed her own mind, based a lot on the advice I had given her (which I wish i had followed more in my own life). Went from heading towards law and politics to studying teaching and music I think. Friends on facebook, but not spoken beyond a couple of emails not long after both got home.

    Last thing she said to me in Thailand was "I am so glad that I met you."

    Oh well, 10 years ago now, probably best that was just left as a good memory though do sometimes wonder if things might have been different if situations had been, but would probably have been nothing, and like I say doesn't really count as one that got away, more one that never was!
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I used to; but then we reconnected, got married and now I am in the process of divorcing him!!
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Yes she escaped my basement never to be seen again...

    but actually I don't hold onto feelings and such and tend to forget about people if they havent been in my life recently.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Yes she escaped my basement never to be seen again...

    Well you didn't give me enough bacon. I had to go out and get my own.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yes she escaped my basement never to be seen again...

    but actually I don't hold onto feelings and such and tend to forget about people if they havent been in my life recently.


    People don't escape, they evolve and move on in a different direction than you. cherish your time with anyone in your life right now, because chances are - there is a point on your timeline coming up where this will happen, regardless.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Yes she escaped my basement never to be seen again...

    Well you didn't give me enough bacon. I had to go out and get my own.

    Alas you will return someday * leaves a bacon trail towards basement*.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Yes she escaped my basement never to be seen again...

    Well you didn't give me enough bacon. I had to go out and get my own.

    Alas you will return someday * leaves a bacon trail towards basement*.

    Alright I'll give you a second chance, but don't make the same mistake again! Always remember my love language (or whatever that's called) is BACON.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I'm the one that got away.

    i too am the one that got away...the ex that lost me keeps texting me....apparently he isn't completely over me even though he is engaged.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    am I the only one with a positive/happy experience?
  • fullofwhimsy
    @ Kits.. nope you are not the only one! I don't have a "one that got away", because honestly I don't believe in the concept. People come into and move out of my life fairly organically and for a reason, generally. I can look back fondly on some, but I don't experience regret or even loss to be honest. Then again, I think I could be happy with many different people at different times in life..depending on where I am emotionally and circumstances etc.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    am I the only one with a positive/happy experience?

    Nope mine although not quite fitting criteria was definitely positive. Anything else might have left things with a bad taste. As it is its a great memory.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    They're only the one that got away until the next one shows up. I've said twice in my glorious lifetime filled with achievements, that I think "they" were the one that got away.... Funny thing is I wouldn't even go on a date with either of them now.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    They're only the one that got away until the next one shows up. I've said twice in my glorious lifetime filled with achievements, that I think "they" were the one that got away.... Funny thing is I wouldn't even go on a date with either of them now.

    I'm a lot like this. While I'm raw I think they were ones who got away, but after I heal I realize they never would have worked.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Hmm,...Nope! I dated a doctor recently, and I had regrets about how things ended. He came back, but I was suspicious. He eventually confirmed what I already knew..tried to pressure me into having sex. I am good...Bye! The other ones..nope! Good riddance. When the right one comes a long I will know. The doctor taught me so much about men in only 6 months. He doesn't know I am done with him, but when he hears the crickets in the background the message will be sent!
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    I don't really have one myself... but a little while ago I posted about a girl from church I met that had 2 kids and I was asking for tips on how to date a woman with kids.

    update, couple weeks, things going really well, but maybe a little fast... she asks to be just friends right now, and after really thinking about it, its likely the best idea for both of us right now!

    I mention her because part of me feels that this is one that had great potential, yet I don't know if she really counts as "the one that got away"... were still close and meet up now and then. And to be honest... I haven't given up on the idea yet either. But I'm allowing time to flow, without pushing, and see where it takes us both.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Yes. He's getting married in June, and guess who gets to sing at the wedding...