Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
I frequent the forums here and like to see what others suggestions to questions are and how they have coped with problems I have myself. Too many times there will be 1 or 2 people out there who make it their business to either shame or degrade people that are just starting out or who they feel "they know more or better than." Personally I look at it as everyone has something that they are trying to accomplish and something that they are struggling with and if a person is a member here then they probably did not start out as an expert themselves.

That being said, there are also the members out there that genuinely like to help people and can completely relate to their everyday struggles. The people that put themselves out there as a ray of sunshine and take the hand of the person asking the question and can really guide them....they are also the ones that defend against the bullying and don't care what people say back to them. I appreciate those people.

We should all be the people that give caring answers and advice and look to help others. To those who already do and those who plan to, you are all great and thanks for taking up for the people who just began their journies. Have an awesome weekend and best wishes!


  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Great perspective. I don't know if I would bandy back and forth against/with a bully on MFP. More likely to see if I could help them, and if not, move on. Too much anger in the world and don't want to waste my energy on these bullys, rather spend it helping the folks who need help and support. You?
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Totally agree because I am the type of person who will not go back and forth with a person that has something to prove by belittling is just not who I am. I try to encourage others whenever possible because everyone had to begin with that first step and learn along the way. I message people way more frequently than put myself out there in the open on forums because I just don't want the critique of someone else's opinion if they have nothing nice to say. I just wish that the world could have more empathy and compassion though. It starts with more positive comments and a bit of understanding. Best wishes everyone!