As we approach Holy Week and end lent

RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
As we approach Holy Week with Palm Sunday and head towards the close of lent, does anyone have any reflections or blessings that have happened? anyone recieving sacraments on Easter? New found or renewed Faith?

For me I have truly been on a pilgrimage and though every lent is like (for me) being shaken like a christmas tree that has too much snow on it. Jesus has loosened my grip on things and ideas that needed to be let go, returned me to the simple tools of faith, taught me how to say No Thankyou and Given me the spirit of perserverance with true faith that when one door closes another one opens.
Thankyou Sacred Heart of Jesus for healing my heart that had become tattered, clouded and bruised. Thankyou St. Jude for interceeding for me and reminding me of the Hope of the Holyspirit. Thankyou St.Anthony for interceeding on my behalf that I was not lost in the world or lost away from Christ but found through Christ and forgiven. Thankyou Arch Angel Micheal for interceeding on my behalf and reminding me that through Death there is life and will always be life through the Eternal. Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary who has shown me how to obey with out reserve and how to recieve being a disciplined, loving and flexible woman who knows/values and treasures her weakness (where there is weakness---there is Jesus's stregnth, where there is vunerability there is room for miracles*)



  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    St. Ignatius of Loyola- learning that Christ does not only dwell in the church but he dwells in all areas in where we serve in honor and glory of Him. Be diligent as Christ is diligent in you and with you.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Happy Easter Friends!!!!