IVF: Nutritional and Exercise Approaches for Overweight Gals

WainbowBwight Posts: 16 Member

I'm gearing up for IVF #3 after two failed IVF cycles (nothing to freeze) and 13 IUIs. I have been doing a gluten-free, dairy-free, caffeine and alcohol free, egg and corn free, limited soy, no nightshade anti-inflammatory diet that is lower than 40% carbs and 25-30% protein with lots of healthy fats (nuts, seeds, etc.) and am starting acupuncture this week. I will likely be slated for ER sometime around the middle or end of May. It's my last ditch effort before moving on to adoption.

Our diagnosis is mild-moderate male factor (we use ICSI though so this shouldn't be an issue) and I lost part of my left ovary to endometriosis via laparoscopic surgery. I'm concerned about immune issues so we're doing all that we can to calm my body before we start stimming. I will also be on dexamethasone during my cycle.

I am overweight and am trying my best to be in the "mildly overweight" instead of "obese" category by the time we start stims to increase our chances. Apparently studies have shown that moderate exercise in overweight patients does NOT adversely affect IVF outcome when done prior to a cycle, and that it can actually help pregnancy outcome. Underweight or normal weight gals should steer clear, but this gal is strapping on the kickboxing gloves and raring to go!

I'm on a number of supplements including DHEA, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, CoQ10, Materna, Folic Acid, Royal Jelly, etc. Feeling confident and healthy after a month of this...

Good luck to anyone else out there who is also on this IF journey! May the end of the tunnel be filled with light and laughter!


  • InNeedOfAFitnessPal
    InNeedOfAFitnessPal Posts: 7 Member
    Just looking at some of these old posts. Wondering how things worked out, if you don't mind sharing.