Week 3 Results

Happy Sunday rest day everyone!! I hope you're all having a nice break from Insanity today and giving your muscles and much needed and deserved break! Did anyone take their measurements and weight today? Feel free to share your results here!


  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Weighed myself this morning - exactly the same weight as last week but doesn;t bother me as I can see and feel the difference. I imagine losing fat and building muscle is not going to result in too much weight loss. As long as I look OK when its over I will be happy.
  • CherishQuick
    Felt crappy going into day 22 skipped :(....back at it today!!! Still hard as ever.
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    I've been losing 1.5 lbs a week with Insanity. I am on weight maintenance so I added more calories again this week to see if it helps stop that. When I started Insanity I wasn't planning on losing any weight, just wanted to increase my level of fitness.