Weekly Chat Thread- Mon 3/25-Sun 3/31



  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 33 - Fire 55 EZ done and in the the bag!

    I always dread doing Fire 55 EZ because its so long. I've learned to pace myself during this workout, so its gotten better. And the time really does fly by. 473 cals burned, so all is good! :)
  • kaszay
    kaszay Posts: 29 Member
    Today is my first Fire55EZ ... 5th day of TF. And i hope i'll make it ! wish me luck! I'll need it for sure.

    Cnlarment - I'm shoeless too :)
    PoeticMoe - Biiiig Congrats on breaking the 30days :) Did you do your after30days photo ?
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday I did Fire 45EZ and I also ran 3 miles. I enjoyed 45EZ much more this time than last week, and I woke up this morning and my obliques are super sore - not sure what happened, but I like it! Today is Core 20 and Stretch 40 for me, but I might change it out for my Yoga For Athletes dvd instead.

    Also, I was doing Turbo Fire shoeless, but my calves have been SUPER tight lately so I switched to wearing a pair of sneakers I have lying around my house that I dont wear too often, and that seems to be helping.
  • lremi
    lremi Posts: 59
    Rest Day today more time to do laundry I guess >.<
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I usually do a Jillian Michael's workout instead, though today I think I'll do Core 20/Stretch 40 since I've been skipping it to do Hiit 25 and strength training. Also need a rest from the weighted gloves, my shoulders and upper back have definitely been feeling it.
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    Fire 55 EZ today, yesterday was Fire 60/Abs 10. You are all doing so amazing! I love hearing about everyones fantastic results and commitment to Turbofire and a healthier lifestyle! I can't wait to see some more before/after photos and measurements. I'm not sure I want to do my results (pics/measurements) on the 1st as I previously stated. I'm sure I'll be pretty bloated after a nice big Easter dinner lol, but we'll see. :ohwell:
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    Fire 45EZ + stretch 10 this morning....getting so much better at that irish dance part (with the heels)...starting not to hate it as much haha! did not want to exercise at all this morning but it felt sooo good afterwards!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Fire 45ez/ Stretch 10 done! Burned 500 calories and sweat up a storm!

    Also woke up this morning to another .8lb loss on the scale! I think my staycation laziness and extra rest combined with turbofire's recovery week has done me good. Still half a week to go! Tomorrow I'm going to take my rest day, and I've got an appt to get my hair cut at 2, then I'll kill a little time until I meet my friend for happy hour and dinner at 5.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    for people who use HRM with turbo fire what ones do you use and do you feel they are accurate?
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 , And yes i feel it is very accurate. As it is a top notch HRM, And you use a chest strap with it, so it is definitely way more accurate than a standard watch. A watch is usually not accurate at all. A chest strap, has things in it to actually get your real heart rate and calorie burn.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Look what came in the mail today. I didn't feel like trying to figure out how to add it to the post.

    BTW RachPeterson, I use a Polar RS100.
  • kaszay
    kaszay Posts: 29 Member
    I use one, it's simple and cost me about 10$, it was used but in great shape. Shows me actual, max and avg hr, burned calories, fat weight loss and things like that. I can put in hr zones so it'll show me if i'm in right one, counts how much i was in/under/over the right zone. I also have app on my phone called "Instant Heart Rate" (Android app) and it counts as good as my monitor with a chest band.
  • DianaV86
    DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
    Week 3 - Low HIIT 25 today!

    I thought this was okay...kind of awkward but I'll get the hang of it eventually!

    Today is weigh-in day for me and I'm up one pound. This is very discouraging and I am losing my motivation to workout and be on MFP. I've been stuck at 142 lbs for weeks and now I'm up a pound =(

    I'll stick with it...just needed to vent!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 34 - Fire 45 Class DONE!

    It seems like it's been a while since I did Fire 45, and I could tell! It seemed harder today and I struggled through it. Ugh. Let's just say I'm REALLY looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!

    I also use a HRM - Polar FT4. Love it.

    I did take 30 day comparison pics. I could see a difference, but admittedly, I wanted to see more of a difference. Will keep pushing though.

  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    core 20 + stretch 40 this morning...that stretching/yoga felt sooo good!! now into my final week of the prep program tomorrow...almost done and then I get to do the real thing....so excited!! so glad i did the prep program though!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Today is my last day of Week 3 and I am pretty excited about that!

    I use a Polar Ft4 and I think it is very accurate. I like it.
  • lremi
    lremi Posts: 59
    Hiit 20 and Sculpt 30 today with the serenade of a grumpy teething baby. But we both made through.
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    First day of week 3!! I'm loving every day!!! And can't believe how my body has changed in just 2 weeks!!!!!!
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    Looks like I'm probably done with TF for 2013. I got a positive pregnancy test (or 3) on Weds, just waiting blood result confirmation.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Looks like I'm probably done with TF for 2013. I got a positive pregnancy test (or 3) on Weds, just waiting blood result confirmation.
