barbell row/pendlay row question

zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
Hi there,

Just wondering if any other SL ladies that are thick in the middle can feel their tummy against their thighs when doing barbell rows? Is this normal? I'm making sure to check form that my back is flat like a table, looking up, and pulling up with barbell just above mid foot, squeezing shoulders and pulling up not far from my shins. I will eventually do a video, but I didn't have capability to do it today.


  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I probably do, I just haven't noticed it :bigsmile:

    I think that since you've checked all the other points of your form, the last thing to remember is to not move your torso, only your arms ("pull up with your elbows"). I can't think of why it would matter if my belly is pressed against my legs.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    When I first did these like the SL guy said to I KILLED my lower back and had to take a break for a week. I now do it like this ^^ and it feels better. As for my gut, yes it is a ball of mush when I'm bent over and it makes me crazy :sad:
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I do the pendlay row and yep my stomach is in the way.
    Pretty much like that LOL
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I do the pendlay row and yep my stomach is in the way.


    Good thing my tummy is squishable. :bigsmile:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Um, I think you have to bend low so the bottom of your abdomen is always in contact with the thigh (to keep the body parallel to the floor)...I have never thought about it, just did it, the bend without the bar, as I am at home in my bedroom, and yeah my stomach touches my thighs... : )
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    When I first did these like the SL guy said to I KILLED my lower back and had to take a break for a week. I now do it like this ^^ and it feels better. As for my gut, yes it is a ball of mush when I'm bent over and it makes me crazy :sad:

    The problem with those is they put a lot more of the strain on your arms and shoulders, and it means they tire too fast to get as good of a back workout.

    Pendlays shouldn't be hurting your lower back - but the fact that they did makes me think you were rocking back/lifting back instead of pulling straight up by squeezing your upper and mid back muscles.

    Anyway, a power clean is theoretically a better substitute but you might want to deload and give pendulous another try. Also I say theoretically because I think power cleans are a sort of exhausting/tough thing to finish a workout with.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Anyway, a power clean is theoretically a better substitute but you might want to deload and give pendulous another try. Also I say theoretically because I think power cleans are a sort of exhausting/tough thing to finish a workout with.

    They are. I find rows much easier. But, power cleans are much more fun I think, and I'm going to find a way to incorporate them again. Maybe once a week on one of my deadlift days as a substitute. I really enjoy them because getting the form down is very challenging, but you get to move a lot more.

    I find Pendlay rows kinda meh. It's basically the pull version of the bench press that helps builds nice lats which is actually perfect for me since I'm really looking to bring my batwings back there down. Wish I had a rowing machine though, truth be told. There's much more fun ways to pull against resistance. Pendlays are highly effective lat builders though.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    When I first did these like the SL guy said to I KILLED my lower back and had to take a break for a week. I now do it like this ^^ and it feels better. As for my gut, yes it is a ball of mush when I'm bent over and it makes me crazy :sad:

    The problem with those is they put a lot more of the strain on your arms and shoulders, and it means they tire too fast to get as good of a back workout.

    Pendlays shouldn't be hurting your lower back - but the fact that they did makes me think you were rocking back/lifting back instead of pulling straight up by squeezing your upper and mid back muscles.

    Anyway, a power clean is theoretically a better substitute but you might want to deload and give pendulous another try. Also I say theoretically because I think power cleans are a sort of exhausting/tough thing to finish a workout with.

    It could have been a case of "too much too soon" as well.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks ladies!! Lol @that profile pic!! Feel free to add me anyone!! Need more strong fitness pals!! I really want to try power cleans, I've been watching a lot of videos on that, they look fun!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I also want to add that while you are supposed to stay bent over and not lift your torso, your back is supposed to "arch" when you bring the bar up. I think that many people fixate on keeping their back completely flat like a table and that's why the Pendlay rows feel so awful and like the are doing absolutely nothing. That was the biggest takeway from the form video that is on the SL site done by Pendlay himself and it completely changed my rows and now they are one of my favorite lifts because I can feel it in the appropriate places.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Thank you, I will search for that.