fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
hey guys! we're almost to easter, can you believe it? march 31. 2013 is fast approaching (4 full days away, not counting today or easter itself). this month has really blown by and i can honestly say that it's been a pleasure partaking in this challenge with all of you. whether or not you make your "goal weight," is of little consequence, be proud of every single accomplishment that you've made and all the progress that you have tucked under your belt!

Week 1: 233
Week 2: 226
Week 3: 229.8
Week 4: 225.4
Week 5: 223.2
Week 6: 222.8

-total weight lost thus far-
10.2 lbs

Goal for Easter: 220 <-- i'm not sure if i can drop those extra 2.8 pounds but i'm going to try! good luck everyone!


  • angela55530
    angela55530 Posts: 43 Member
    hello everyone,

    Good job on the weight loss Fara!! 10.2 is awesome!! :smile:

    week 1: 180.2
    week 2: 180.2
    week 3: 180.2
    week 4: 179.6
    week 5: 177.2
    week 6: 176

    down 4.2
    not even close to my Easter goal weight, but i will take it. I need to smarten up with my eating and track everything.
  • SW: 292
    W2: 291.8
    W3: 290.8
    W4: 288.8
    W5: 287
    W6: 288
    GW: 280

    Definately not what I want to see but every little bit counts!
  • BellaLunaFleur
    BellaLunaFleur Posts: 154 Member
    Highest weight (started MFP): 295
    SW for Easter Challenge: 275.5
    Week 2: 273.5
    Week 3: 269.5
    Week 4: 269.5
    week 5: 266.0
    Current weight: 270.5
    GW for Easter Challenge: 263.5

    Loss this week: +4.5 lbs
    loss for Easter challenge: 5

    omg last week was awful for me but I owned up to it and realized my mistakes so now I am working on re focusing and getting back on track.
    Total loss 29lbs
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    Starting weight (3/26/12): 165.6 lbs
    3/3/13 (I started late): 143.6 lbs
    3/5/13: 143.0 lbs
    3/11/13: 141.8 lbs
    3/18/13: 141.4 lbs
    3/25/13: 139.8 (25.8 lbs total)
    Easter goal weight: 135 lbs
    Ultra goal weight: 115 lbs

    That's 1.6 lbs down from last week. :)
  • leholcomb
    leholcomb Posts: 146 Member
    SW: 135.8

    Week 2: 134.0

    Week 3: 131.8

    Week 4: 130.2

    Week 4: 129.0

    Week 5: 127.0

    GW: 125

    UW: 115

    8.8 pounds down! Only 2 to go! :)

    I may not hit the Easter goal but I definitely will hit my vacation goal. Whoop Whoop! Keep it up! :)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Can't believe we're at the end! I'm going to start a new group for all of us for the Memorial Day challenge and will post the link!

    SW: 263.6
    WK1: 260.6
    WK2: 257.4
    WK3: 254.8
    WK4: 253.4
    WK5: -- (no access to scale)
    WK6: 248.6

    TOTAL LOSS: 15

  • suejoy42
    suejoy42 Posts: 12 Member
    Finally I did it lost 6 pounds total SW 161
    Drop 4 pounds my first week then stayed at 157
    gw 155