Measuring small at 20 week u/s?

I had my first u/s this pregnancy yesterday. They said baby looked good, but was measuring 19 weeks 4 days. I was 20 weeks 6 days yesterday, so 9 days behind?? Should I be concerned? This baby weighs in at 10 oz.

My first two babies were small at birth (around 5 pounds full term), but they measured within 2 days of the due date at the big halfway u/s.

My LMP date is 100% for sure, and my positive test was right when my next period was due. So there couldn't be that much wiggle room on conception date I wouldn't think.


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I wouldn't be concerned unless your doctor/midwife were concerned. I don't think babies' growth is necessarily linear, and they sometimes have growth spurts, so even though you're pretty sure about your conception date, you could still be off by that much. Additionally, even though it's an ultrasound, they're still estimating measurements. They literally can't do a perfect measurement unless they have the baby right in front of them (ie, not in your uterus), all stretched out.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I don't thnk this means anything at this point - I mean at my 19 week ultrasound I measured 11 days ahead which also makes no sense and they didn't change my due date either. So either my baby is just bigger, or grew at a different time, or whatever.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    I wouldn't worry! My midwife told me that by 12 weeks the date can be off by as much as 8 days (this increases the further into the pregnancy you get) due to difference in growth patterns.... don't stress over this!