April Goals

myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
What goals have you set for yourself for April?

One thing I learned from the BL competition is setting small goals that are achievable yet push you just enough to get you to your final goal.

Here are mine:
1) NO alcohol Sunday night - Thursday
2) Workout 5X per week (this has to be more than a walk)
3) Log food and exercise everyday
4) Stay within calorie budget 5/7 days per week
5) Weigh in every Thursday morning and post on this page. Keep me accountable to my peeps :wink:

Looking forward to seeing some great recipe and workout ideas. I also can't wait to see how everyone does after the competition and how we maintain.


  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Michelle,
    My goals are exercise 5x per week, ok I will do the no alcohol Sunday through Tursday with you. I like the weigh in and posting each Thursday.
    I promise to log all food and exercise daily.
    What is your primary workout that you really like?
    I have posted alot of recipies on my blog, should we begin posting them here or is there a way to share them with all??

    I am so proud of all of us. Let's get everyone motivated. i made you an administrator so we can all help and work together here, no one person in charge.

    Love it.

    Any thoughts from our other members?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Great goals Michelle!!

    I have family visiting this weekend so I will be lushy and full of naughty behavior I am sure.

    So, I had a MD appt today and it went fairly well. I always have high BP when I am there but I also think that I have "white coat syndrome". I've got some albuterol for the cough and a strategy for managing the planter fasciitis. I will post my weigh on Wednesday since I will be doing that anyway for the start of the fit-n-trim.

    I will post goals on Monday.
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Great to have us all on board, hope to have more soon. Mr. Tubbs was the big winner. Congratulations my friend. Now let's all hang on to it. Summer is just around the corner. Let's also root for those in our Fit n Trim new game, go team.....
  • MrTubbs
    MrTubbs Posts: 137 Member
    I used to track food, but now I'm pretty good at portion control and knowing what is good.... so I prefer not recording anything. It helps keep me less paranoid about everything.

    With that being said, I've been known to lose focus and yoyo. I will definitely get down on the weigh in. That way if the weight does creep up I'll know to be more strict with my choices... and jump back on the treadmill.

    Other than getting to my Normal BMI (I'm only a few lbs away), my only goal right now is to continue with P90X. Every other time I've tried it I quit after 3 weeks (I am 1.5 weeks in). But this time I've convinced my brother to do it. Plus, I feel more motivated because I am way better at the routines since I am down weight. I can even do chin ups now... put haven't quite built enough muscle for pull ups.
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok Mr. Tubbs, you have to give us updates the P90X so we know you are moving beyond the 3 week hurdle.
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    What is your primary workout that you really like?
    I have posted alot of recipies on my blog, should we begin posting them here or is there a way to share them with all??

    My primary workouts are: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (JMBR) - I am in the last phase of that program. When I am done I am going to break out my P90X and rotate between those two programs. I also do various classes at the gym like: butt & gutt, boxing and of course my Saturday morning Bootcamp (where I get to flip tires and do pull ups) and then walking everyday with my sweet pup, Toby :smile:

    Kathy - how do I get to your blog to see your recipes?
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Michelle,

    Here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kathywells3975

    YOu should start a blog and list recipies and post your link as well. :):)
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey Michelle,

    Here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kathywells3975

    YOu should start a blog and list recipies and post your link as well. :):)

    Thanks Kathy.
    Good idea - I may do that

    Have a FABULOUS Easter weekend, we are expecting mid-60's and sunshine which is totally out of the norm for Seattle. I plan to be outside eeking out every ounce of sunshine!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Myself, I'm exhausted. Such a tough week. Going to set up the weeks workouts and food tomorrow. Want to sleep for a day. :0
    Happy Easter everyone. Mr. Tubbs, how's the P90X going?????
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    WOW...what a "challenging" weekend for food. I love my family but holy cow, they do not skimp on the fat or portions or cheese (ugh...SO much cheese). Looking around the table I could see how I learned some bad eating habits. LUCKILY I had bootcamp and a long walk before the festivities. This morning I was up and did my workout and I am eating a healthy breakfast. I didn't have time to plan meals this week but I will do that throughout today and shop tonight. I did NOT get on the scale this morning...I am afraid it would have been too discouraging. I am excited about April!

    Make it a great day all!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey everyone...just checking on the champions!!

    I've got a new contest getting ready to take off on Wednesday. I have to send an invite if you would like to participate in the weigh-ins as well. Just let me know if interested.

    I was horrible this weekend with food and drink - but, I did go to skyzone trampoline park and kick some little kids' butts in dodgeball. I don't dare go into the big kids one; because, they are big, mean and vicious and I was scared of them.

    I am on a mega-budget for a long, long time because of the evil government and their taxation. So that means, I can't support the local establishments for a long time. Or, the malls...
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    I love that, the "Evil Government" you could not have said it better. This week just taking care of myself. Mud Run "Warrior Dash" Saturday, I can't wait. Wish me luck. What's the name of your new group? Good Luck to the newbies.....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kathy, it's the same name fit-n-trim to win....

    I'm signed up for MN warrior dash and the Run or Dye 5K as well. I am trying to get a team for the Ragnar which is 12 people who alternate running for about 36 hours. I am trying to get the Chicago peeps or MN peeps.

    The doc put me on naproxen 500 mg twice a day to treat the planter fasciitis...I have to be on it for 2 weeks for any anti-inflammatory benefits otherwise it's cortisone shots :sad:
  • MrTubbs
    MrTubbs Posts: 137 Member
    I've been busy all weekend with a slo-pitch tournament. We lost in the finals... but I ended up earning my money back.

    As for P90X, it has gone pretty well. I've started week 3. However, I am extremely sore. Yesterday I had to pop several ibuprofen just so I could go to bed. I think it was not necessarily P90X, but playing ball all weekend.
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Let me know how your mud run goes. Hope you find your team for the 36 hours, I would do it with you if I were close. Go Mr. Tubbs on the P90x, Your weekend sounded fun, great job on making it to the finals.

    I'm not doing a lot of my normal workouts, mostly stretching and foam rolling and small runs to prepare for the Warrior this weekend, weather is going to be perfect. So excited....I wish everyone a great week, will check back in later.

  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    This week just taking care of myself. Mud Run "Warrior Dash" Saturday, I can't wait. Wish me luck.

    Good luck Kathy - I know you will do great!
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member

    I'm not doing a lot of my normal workouts, mostly stretching and foam rolling and small runs to prepare for the Warrior this weekend, weather is going to be perfect. So excited....I wish everyone a great week, will check back in later.


    How was the Warrior Dash?
  • myepsen
    myepsen Posts: 1,794 Member
    OK, back on track this week. Down 2.9lbs and pretty much back to where I finished the competition. I am super sore - the Jillian Michaels program "kicked it up a notch" this week....in the words of Kim....OUCHIE BOO BOO :sad:
    Oh well, at least I know I am moving the needle :wink:
  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi friend,

    The Dash was awesome, really rough on the knee for the first time back but I finished. How are you, sounds like you are keeping everything in check. Did Kim start the new group?

  • kathywells3975
    kathywells3975 Posts: 12 Member
    Mr. Tubbs, where are you???? Are you doing good, what are you up to????

    Michelle, what's going on.

    Personally I am doing good. Exercising each evening, toning the muscles (they are looking good, yay). Weight wise I go up and down a few pounds. I contribute it to muscle etc. Nothing big. Watching the new competition, everyone seems to be doing well.

    Well, have a great day. Keep moving......