Looking for a little inspiration

Dmwinter5 Posts: 11 Member
I have been counting calories for 5 full months now. I know that isn't very long for some of you, but it is feeling very long for me today. I can honestly say I have not cheated. Not once! I alway come in under my target calories, and I have made great progress. I am not complaining i did this to myself, I'm just feeling sorry for ME. Boo hoo!!

Yesterday I decided to go shopping and try to get a few new things. I want to lose 20 more pounds so I don't want to get lots, but a new shirt for Easter would be nice. I went to a few stores, walked around looking for something I liked but, I don't know how to shop. I kept finding myself back in the plus size section. I guess when you have shopped there for so long, it's familiar. I have no idea where I fit in now. I don't know where to find clothes that fit the new me. i dont even know what i like. i have always wore clothes that do not cling to my ...fat. Everything was big and loose. Now I dont know what to wear, so I left without even trying anything on. I wear scrubs to work everyday and everyone knows how they fit. When I get home I wear sweats. I really need to figure out what kind of style is mine.

Then today I went grocery shopping. That has turned into so much more work than it use to be. People always ask me if its been hard lossing weight. It truly is. It is constant planning Reading labels, looking up recipes and counting ever bite. It is walking up and down all those isles looking at all the foods I use to buy, Still LOVE and can no longer have. Pushing the cart past the potatoe chips just praying a bag will jump off the shelf and land in my cart, which of coarse I will not notice until I am safely in my own kitchen and no one will see me with that bag of wonderfulness!! I really wanted those today. I know tomorrow I will be greatful that I did not cave in. That I held on tight to this dream that today seems so far away. Tomorrow I will feel strong. Today I feel weak.


  • 666izzy
    666izzy Posts: 42 Member
    I hate clothes shopping as I never know what size I am and, in some cases, the sizes aren't consistent! A couple of years ago, I bought two pairs of shorts, from the same shop, one were a dark denim and the other light, and one was a size 16 and the other an 18!!!

    My solution is to go on a day when the shop is quiet, take an armful of stuff into the changing room and then try it all on. If none of it fits, or it doesn't look good, or I don't like it, then I don't buy it. If there is an assistant at the door to the changing room they are generally so bored they don't care if I go round three or four times. But there's often nobody about to even notice. Just don't try to do this if you're in a hurry :-)
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I hate clothes shopping with a passion...and even have anxiety because of it! I, too, don't have any idea what my "style" is. Nothing ever looks good when I try it on. And it's super frustrating. I always end up buying things I am not happy with. Last summer I did manage to find one top that I really liked. My sister wouldn't let me buy ten of them, or I would have and worn the same shirt every single day. I have a tendency to buy lots of black...no color. In the summer I will add white to it. I feel more beautiful and more comfortable with myself at 41 than I ever have in my entire life...I just don't know how to dress myself. :frown: