Too Much Cardio...good or bad?

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to get some advice. I started doing Insanity back in August. And I absolutely loved it. Lost 20 lbs and 17 inches in total. Down to the smallest I can remember in a long time. My main goal was and still is to tone up and firm up. I can do cardio day in day out, love love love it. HOWEVER, someone told me that it aint that good to do all that cardio (5-6 days a week).

I was told that I should just focus on weight training instead 2-3 times a week and that's it. I haven't gained any weight or inches back, but I feel frustrated and loosing momentum. My mid-section has always been my weakest area. I'm basically doing a mix of random workout, one day weight training, one day dance, and one class of *turbo fire or brazil butt lift (at random).

So where do I go from here?

Snap Shot:
Height: 5'5
Current Weight: 123
Supplements: Glutamine, Amino Acids, CLA

I'm afraid of the skinny fat look. Any advice would be much appreciated and valued! Thank you xoxoxo


  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, I have lost over 190 pounds. At first, I started doing only cardio and did not even touch weights. At about 130 pounds lost, I started playing around with weights but still intensely involved in cardio. Now, at 195 pounds into my weight loss I am focusing heaving on weight training and I'm trying to break out of my cardio addiction. I feel like there needs to be a balance of both. Heart health is important and that is what the CARDIO activity is good for. I work out about 6 days per week. M/T are weights, Wed is cardio, Thurs is wegihts, Fri cardio and Sat weights. Now one day per week I do both. Weights in the am and cardio pm. The point is, that there is a balance. Now, when you start lifting a few weeks in you will most likely put on some weight, but its muscle. I went from 153 to 157. Still frustrated, i am trying to come to terms with the scale going up is related to muscle formation.

    Hope this helps...
  • idriven7
    idriven7 Posts: 24
    Wow That is Great, first of congrats on your success. That is a fantastic achievement.

    It's just hard to determine what is a good balance I guess. It's almost hard to know what advice to take and what not, people constantly give advice and sometimes even the opposite. But I will def try a balance maybe do 2 and 2 days each. See where that takes me.

    Best of luck :)