Skipped the gym....

natsmom118 Posts: 83 Member
So I had a bad day yesterday, I didn't' go to the gym so now I feel so guilty for not going.

I hate feeling like this. Am I the only one???


  • nzs110b
    nzs110b Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, at least you are going. I haven't been able to get up the motivation to even start going.
  • natsmom118
    natsmom118 Posts: 83 Member
    Yea true. We need to get you motivated to start going! :) So you can feel like me when you skip a day. lol jk . .Have a great day @nzs110b :-)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i don't do the gym,,, but i have to do my cardio every day, 7 days a week, or i am a mess.
  • nzs110b
    nzs110b Posts: 56 Member
    I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred with some co-workers tomorrow. We will see how it goes.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I walk more than two miles every day, but it's been two days since I've had a dedicated workout. And I'm about to go on vacation so I'm feeling guilty about it. You just have to remind yourself that exercise should not be ruling your life! If you can fit it in, that's great, but not at the expense of spending time with friends and family and taking care of other responsibilities. And sometimes you just need a break.
  • iBreatheMusic88
    If you feel bad imagine missing a week!!! I feel like a freaking cow. lol Im so not motivated enough to work out at home, My car has been in the shop and the gym is a long ways away.... And I dont do the bus. lol
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL. When is that car coming out of the shop, man? @Nancy, don't feel bad. Maybe pick up some fitness DVDs so you can at least do something at home :) I know how you feel though. I think I have become addicted. I feel absolutely horrible and my anxiety flares up bad on days I don't work out. I did over do it though and cardio'd hard for 21 days straight x_x Not recommended...
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    So, you all should know up front that I went YEARS not working out except a day here or there. So much self loathing.; I got sick of feeling that way about myself. Then I got my friend to go to the gym with me waaaaayyyyy early in the a.m. before work. I find that knowing she's pulling into my driveway at 5:30 motivates me to be there at the door, waiting. Now that we've developed the habit, we've both gone on our own when the other can't go. This is just what works for me. I guess I'm completely externally motivated :)) Whatever works. Here's the other thing: it feels so damn good! I love how I feel the rest of the day. I hope I never go back to my old pattern of putting myself last then hating myself for it.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I'm the same way when I miss. I go 6 days and taking an additional rest day wouldn't hurt. I'm like you though, I feel bad for missing a day!