
I have the hardest time making good food choices when I'm traveling and visiting with extended family.
Does anyone else feel my pain?


  • I totally feel your pain as we wrap up our vacation. I've had good days and bad days. I guess I just won't dwell on the bad and when I get home I'm going to get right back to my good routine.
  • amywoo2
    amywoo2 Posts: 2
    Yes- completely. I just finished my food diary today and I was over my calorie goal because of two beers. They were really good- at the time- but now I'm having beer remorse. I guess I should have squeezed in exercise and only had one beer, lesson learned- but, man, that Farm Girl is tasty...Any way you can get away during your visits for a walk? And now, I get my plate for family holiday dinners served buffet style and then walk away- I don't even go near the food again- it's when you're standing around talking and laughing, grabbing a hand full of something just happens, it's like you don't even realize you're eating until it's swallowed and gone- what is that all about?!? Better to just stay far far away...Keep on keepin' on girl, you look amazing and are an inspiration!
  • You hit the nail on the head! This weekend was a little tough. There is still a chocolate coconut egg at home calling my name:(
    The good news is that today is a new day, back on track with a salmon salad for lunch and the treadmill during "Dancing with the Stars." Hang in there everyone...spring is coming!
  • dmtucker
    dmtucker Posts: 3
    Totally feel your pain. It's much easier to manage when I'm the one preparing my own food. But when I'm a guest and there are temptations, it's so easy to make worse choices than I normally would.

    The weekend was tough. So, I just decided to put it behind me and start anew this week. No sense in beating ourselves up - just gotta move on. Thankfully, the sun is shining so that moving can happen outdoors :)
  • Thanks for the positive feed back. Sometimes the uphill battle seems steeper than ever. Can you guys believe that it is going to snow for the next few days?
    So far I have done all my exercising at the gym but I thought it might be wise to have a backup plan for when I can't get there. Any suggestions on workout DVDs?