End of cycle 1

pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
Today I had the last 100% day (at 12 reps) for cycle 1 of this routine. I did manage to get in all my squats, but barely... Considering that I'm doing sissy squats with my heel on plates due to tight calves, I'll keep the weights for this exercise the same for the next cycle. For all other exercises I'm going up! :glasses:

Really hope the new weights I ordered will arrive soon, cause otherwise I can't even go up for my deadlifts. Will have to wait and see. :tongue:


  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    So yesterday was my first day of cycle 2 - and lemme tell ya - I'm glad there are only 8 reps because YEOUCH! I think I broke my butt w/ the squats, it is SORE today :sad: Got through everything, though!!! :drinker:
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Yay for you! I have my last cycle 1 day tommorow, then start of cycle 2 on Saturday. Will see if I can get my hubby to shoot some pictures, forgot it until I saw yours! I also want to see progress....
  • nmtGurl
    nmtGurl Posts: 159 Member
    Looks like I'm about a month behind you guys. I can't believe I finished my final heavy day today and made all 12 reps!! :drinker: Friday will be my last day for cycle 1. Did you guys go right into cycle 2 or take a week off?
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    go right into it, since you already have lighter days built in, a rest week isn't needed.

    I just started my 2nd cycle today :D
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Looks like I'm about a month behind you guys. I can't believe I finished my final heavy day today and made all 12 reps!! :drinker: Friday will be my last day for cycle 1. Did you guys go right into cycle 2 or take a week off?

    Congrats, well done!

    I jumped right into cycle 2, but I took a few extra days off before starting cycle 3 today :)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I just started my 2nd cycle today :D

    Good stuff! :drinker:
  • nmtGurl
    nmtGurl Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks Katy! Nice someone is starting close to me :-)

    Cmeirun - holy hell!! Your back is looking AWESOME!! Is that from just 2 cycles or did you do other things?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks Katy! Nice someone is starting close to me :-)

    Cmeirun - holy hell!! Your back is looking AWESOME!! Is that from just 2 cycles or did you do other things?

    Just two cycles!!! :bigsmile: Some pushups in there, and a bit of cardio on off days, but it's totally the weights that did that!!! :bigsmile:
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Looks like I'm about a month behind you guys. I can't believe I finished my final heavy day today and made all 12 reps!! :drinker: Friday will be my last day for cycle 1. Did you guys go right into cycle 2 or take a week off?
    Well done! :flowerforyou:

    I dove right into cycle 2. But I must say that halfway cycle 2 I had a few bad workouts, feeling dizzy, not even getting 8 reps in etc etc. Probably because I also took up running with C25K and didn't have my rest day scheduled optimally (like right before the 100% day). I then took a few more rest days and redid week 3. Because of that I'm now a week behind on Cmeirun :smile:
    So if you feel tired or otherwise not optimal, it might not be a bad idea to take a bit more rest.

    I'm having my last day of cycle 2 tomorrow and will be starting cycle 3 on Saturday. My new weights have finally arrived (dumbbells with plates up to 30 kg per dumbbell, yay!) so now I can also up the weight for my deadlifts.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    go right into it, since you already have lighter days built in, a rest week isn't needed.

    I just started my 2nd cycle today :D
    Good for you! How did your test day go? Upping weight for all exercises?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    But I must say that halfway cycle 2 I had a few bad workouts, feeling dizzy, not even getting 8 reps in etc etc.


    So if you feel tired or otherwise not optimal, it might not be a bad idea to take a bit more rest.

    This. I had a similar experience and took an extra couple of days' rest in the middle of cycle 2. I also think it was because of how I was scheduling my other (cardio) workouts around the lifting. The system I have now works much better for me. But yeah, if you need rest, take rest!
    I'm having my last day of cycle 2 tomorrow and will be starting cycle 3 on Saturday. My new weights have finally arrived (dumbbells with plates up to 30 kg per dumbbell, yay!) so now I can also up the weight for my deadlifts.

    That's AWESOME about the new dumbbells! How exciting!!! Yay for moving on up!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    go right into it, since you already have lighter days built in, a rest week isn't needed.

    I just started my 2nd cycle today :D
    Good for you! How did your test day go? Upping weight for all exercises?

    yup really pumped for the increased weight. i wish everyday was heavy lifting. I'm also doing speed bag, heavy bag, and plyo, on the other days. first workout went fantastic, got through all the reps,and on everything except bench and OHP, i could have done more reps. :D I also doing split squats bc i don't have a squat rack. i was concerned at the beginning i would be too tired to do the upper body exercises, after lifting the BB for SS, but it's not an issue yet.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Great to hear Katy! Would you mind posting your stats in this thread? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/916491-ok-let-s-see-your-stats?page=1#posts-15111482

    Just being curious where you started and where you're now :tongue:
  • claston77
    claston77 Posts: 103 Member
    I just did my last workout for Cycle 1 and I have a question for the "veterans"...so Test Day was hard for me which I kinda expected but what I didn't anticipate was workout 2 and 3 being doozies too. anyone else notice anything similar? Is that how it's "supposed" to be? Or am I just a weakling? :laugh:
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I just did my last workout for Cycle 1 and I have a question for the "veterans"...so Test Day was hard for me which I kinda expected but what I didn't anticipate was workout 2 and 3 being doozies too. anyone else notice anything similar? Is that how it's "supposed" to be? Or am I just a weakling? :laugh:

    Normal... The last week of the cycle is hard. It's a lot of reps, even if the weight's a little less on days 2 & 3, and the heavy day is going to punish you to make sure you're ready to progress to heavier weight.

    ... and week 1 of the next cycle will be hard as well, especially if you've progressed on most/all of your exercises.

    All Pro's not kidding when he says this routine's tougher & more aggressive than it looks.


    As I've said repeatedly throughout the one million pages that this thread has become, this little program is a lot tougher and a lot more aggressive then it looks. If you blow the first work out you have 2 more shots at it. The medium and the lite work out from week 3 on, aren't all that medium or lite.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    One more related All Pro post...

    Originally Posted by FryDude ...

    Ugm so I had a question Allpro or anyone who can explain this. Why are Week 4 and 5 the hardest? It's like the first three weeks are a breeze and when you get into Week 4 and 5 the weights begin to feel 2x heavier.
    Fatigue. That's why the program uses duel factor programing. ALL initial strength gains are facilitated by neural adaption so you blast through the first week or 2 and then the fatigue reaches up and punches you in the head. Your body is desperately trying to repair all of the damage that you've done in the first 2 weeks. If not for the medium and lite work outs no one would survive this. On week 3 your trying to do TWO sets with what WAS your 10 rep max. It should feel heavy!
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I felt huge fatigue myself this week. And I made the mistake of really upping my core workout on the day after the Heavy day - and promptly strained my back. I ploughed through the Medium day with some minor twinges, thinking it would clear up and then sanity prevailed and I took a break after that. The last couple of days has had me feeling sapped and lacking energy - I was wondering if it was because it is Week 5 or just bad bio - rhythms.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I felt huge fatigue myself this week. And I made the mistake of really upping my core workout on the day after the Heavy day - and promptly strained my back. I ploughed through the Medium day with some minor twinges, thinking it would clear up and then sanity prevailed and I took a break after that. The last couple of days has had me feeling sapped and lacking energy - I was wondering if it was because it is Week 5 or just bad bio - rhythms.

    Week 5. You're 'overreaching', remember? Next two weeks things'll snap back into place again. If they don't, you either need more food, more sleep or a combo!

    Also, this routine is no joke on the core already with squats, bor, ohp and sldl. A few extra sets of stuff is ok, but I wouldn't go mad with it. I personally don't do any ab work, but some people feel they need it (especially if they're trying to bring up a weak core).
  • claston77
    claston77 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for the insight guys....I'm glad my totally crappy, fatigued feelings during workouts this week have some sort of "validation" :laugh:
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    Apparently I have a lot to look forward to in the next few weeks... :tongue: