April Goals!

tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
This thread will be stickied through the month of April, so we can find it to refer to later. It will be replaced by a May thread in may.

Post your April goals here so you have a single quick place to come back and reference them later.

I know its a pain but please try to keep chatter on this thread down - we have the check in and chat thread for that - so that people can re-visit their goals easily throughout the month.


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    My only goal is to get a bit more cardio in this month. I usually let it go entirely and I'd really like to burn a little fat down, and since I can't eat a deficit of any significance I think its the only way to go for me.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    my goal is to do Anti-March where I had a bunch of mediocre workouts.... it showed in my March results where I lost 8 pounds but more importantly didnt lose much in the way of inches....basically 1 of my hips, NADA from waist and a half inch off my already too small boobs

    Goals: Swim 3-4 times a week before work
    Strong Lifts or Body Pump Class 3 Evenings
    Lose 10 pounds
    Get into size 10 jeans (current size 12)
    Stick to Saturday morning ONLY weigh-ins
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I´m a completely newbie, my first day lifting is tomorrow (the 2. of april.)
    My goals:

    Consistency! To show up for work every workout through the month.
    To learn proper form. I want to learn the basics and improve it as much as I can.
    To read all of Starting Strength "A simple and practical guide for coaching beginners". Maybe twice.
    To raise my calorie level (wich is a little transboundering for me...) from 1350-1600 (Final goal 1800)
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    OHP: 45 for 3x5 if not 5x5 (currently bouncing between 35&40)
    Bench: 65 (currently 50)
    Squat: 130 (currently 88)
    Row: 75 (currently 60)
    Deadlift: 145 (currently 132)
    Do Pilates x1hr once a week
    Do Sun Salutations 4x week before breakfast
    Lose some weight (2lb?) and/or drop 1.5% body fat
    Run twice a week and make it fun, not a chore
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Get 7 hours of sleep at a minimum per night.
    Leave the scale in the closet.
    Eat over TDEE in a one month trial "bulk". Would like to see +5-10 lbs.

    As for weights:

    Squat: 150 (currently @ 125)
    Bench: 115 (currently @ 95)
    Row: 125 (currently @ 100)
    OHP: 75 (currently @ 65/70)
    Deadlift: 175 (currently @ 135)

    I'm going to keep up with moderate cardio at least twice a week, but no more than 20-30 min per day.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    -Stick to my calorie allotment. I'm really tired of being fat and I'm tired of my lack of will power. This is going to be the hardest for me; I didn't get fat because I hate food.

    -MOAR CARDIO! As much as I've grown to hate it, it's a necessity, especially with my genetics.

    -Weight wise, I'm not sure what to do. I guess just keep doing what I'm doing for now and reevaluate when it gets to be too much. I'm thinking 3x5 on squats in the near future.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    1. Reduce my waist measurement from 38 to 36.
    2. Cut my added sugars down to 20g a day (this will be the hardest - I love my chocolate).
    3. Squat 125 (currently @80)
    4. Bench 85 (currently @60
    5. Deadlift 145 (currently @115)
    6. OHP 75 (currently @55) - this may be too ambitious
    7. Row 105 (currently @80)
    8. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.
    9. Get at least 2 hours of cardio in every week - I've fallen off quite a bit since I started lifting, but I still have a lot of fat to get rid of, so I need to find my way back.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I did pretty decent last month with goals. I was almost binge free until hubby brought home a damned cookie cake from the grocery. My weakness. But after getting really sick from a blood sugar spike, dont think those things will be an issue any more. And I had only 4 more days to go in the month. I have cut waaaaay back on Clif/Powerbars. And I only b!itched once about hubby and the trash but that was due to a wonky blood sugar because of previously mentioned cookie cake.

    Soooo April Goals:

    1- Binge free
    2- Add cardio back in. Have really slacked, ok I completely stopped doing cardio when I started lifting except for warmup on bike.
    3- Decrease diet soda intake. Once again this is way out of hand and leads to wanting to eat junk and not drinking my water.
    4- Continue to work on my form before anymore weight increases
    5- Get more sleep. In bed by 9:30. Seems if I stay up later than this it is after midnight before I go to sleep.
    6- Weigh less often. I dont think I can go completely cold turkey. After the 7th (pic progress day) I am only going to weigh if I feel a change in my clothing, ie pants feeling snug or too loose.
    7- Clean out my friends list. There are people on there that do not have like minded goals as me and I really dont want to know that you work out every 2 hrs. OVERKILL!! Or that you are insane enough to get up at 4am to workout when you are going to workout 4 more times before bedtime. /end rant
    8- KEEP LIFTING!!! I love it. Going to keep on with my 3x8 routine for the next 6 weeks while I am also doing a trial run of calorie cycling.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Wow, some of you are *really* ambitious with your goals! Makes me feel a bit, um, wussy LOLOLOL.

    There are potentially 14 workouts for me in this month. My parents will be visiting and I will skip one workout while they are here.

    1. Lose 7 pounds (This is aiming high. The truth is that in my long-term plan I only expect to lose 5) and measure at 44.5% body fat. That would mean weighing around 200 pounds and no loss of LBM. 201 will be very exciting for me since that would mark 1/3 of the way to my goal.

    2. 14 SL workouts. This shouldn't be hard to do, I am very consistent with my exercise.

    A. Squat 100 pounds Current 85
    B. Bench 73 pounds Current 66
    C. Row 94 pounds Current 80
    D. OHP 50 pounds Current 47.5
    E. DL 175 pounds Current 145

    I have never set lift-so-much-within-a-certain-time-frame goals before, so this is new for me. I have no earthly idea if these are too easy or too hard or reasonable. So we'll just have an adventure this month!!


    ETA current stats
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    1) Not miss more than 3 SL workouts this month. It'll be a little difficult with the traveling, but I think I can manage it. I will be missing a lot of my cardio, so that's going to kind of suck. And I know when I travel I don't eat well. :grumble:
    2) Fit into the next size down for work pants. I can get some of them on, but they're way too tight still. I'd like to work on dropping some inches so I can get them on.
    3) Diet break!! Looking forward to this. I'm planning on starting April 21. The hard part will be going to Scotland and not eating above maintenance. Especially since I know I'll be drinking a lot. However, this will make goal #2 more difficult...
    4) Lifting goals:
    Squats 95....110
    Bench 80......92.5
    Rows 65.......75
    OHP 60.........67.5
    DL 180..........190 (I'm going to have to deload, and even 190 might be too ambitious of a goal)
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    My goals this month are....

    1. Deadlift 125 without lifting hooks
    2. Lose 3-4 lbs
    3. Eat 1700 cals everyday
    4. Not die doing the Warrior Dash I am doing in 3 weeks:)
    5. Run 6mph for 5 minutes straight
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Successfully switch to the 5/3/1 (using the triumvirate template to start) and not kill myself. I need to incorporate more cardio too.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Since I just switched to stronglifts from NR and the weights are really low for me my goals are

    1. make sure form is 100%
    2. increase the amount of cardio I'm doing (I've been slacking)
    3. incorporate yoga
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Hello all. As some of you may know I have been stalking/lurking this group for a while.

    My goal is to start stronglifts Monday, April 8. Was doing NROL original but as some of you have mentioned, too involved and stronglifts is sweet and simple. Really looking forward to it and corresponding in this discussion along with all the feedback and advice I can get.

    Happy lifting, ladies.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    OK, for me:

    1. Form, form form!
    2. Increase weight and don't be scared if I fail
    3. Oh ok get some boring boring cardio in..
    4. Eat properly and log it! Being at or around maintenance it is easy to take my eye off this one!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Okay April Goals

    1. Not increase weights too fast and re-injure myself. >.>

    2. Hill sprints 2x/week

    3. Stick to a deficit unless it significantly slows down the last bit of healing.

    4. 30+ minutes of cardio on lifting days. (Can include hill sprints.)
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    Hey guys,

    My April goals are:

    - Get at least 7 hours of sleep
    - Incorporate at least 2 days of cardio a week
    - Lose 2 inches of my waist and hips
    -Continue maintaining weight
    -Continue lifting more weight, and not lose good form
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Let's see. I would like to squat my body weight (155) currently at 115.

    Would like to have a better grip and form with my deadlifts. I can DL my bw but I can feel my grip failing on the last rep or two. I want to solidly pick it up, and have control when putting it back down.

    More cardio through a big hike or two this month. Weather is finally turning. Maybe more HIITs if I have time.

    Continue eating intuitively.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Well summer and shorts and bikinis are fast approaching!!!! Ahhh!! So my April goal is to up my cardio again.

    1. Planning to run 3-4 times a week and lift 3 times a week. I'm know I won't be able to see huge gains in lifting doing this, but I've gotta melt off some fat so my hard work will show this summer. Goal is to MAINTAIN my muscle and lose fat.

    2. STAY WITHIN MY CALORIE LIMIT!!! And log every last bite.
  • mrskchris
    mrskchris Posts: 28 Member
    I would like to lose a bit more on the scale and less inches if that's possible. I am losing my butt and boobs - not happy! I hit my goal weight of 125, but I would like to go down to 120 since I'm 5'1". I'm still doing cardio 4 times a week in addition to other weight machines. Doing S/L only was not enough for me, so I had to add more to it.

    squat - 175 (currently 160)
    deadlift - 150 (currently 135)
    OHP - 65 (currently 55)
    Row - 65 (currently 55)
    Bench 50