Weekly Chat Thread- Mon 4/1 -Sun 4/7



  • kaszay
    kaszay Posts: 29 Member
    @MollDoll I do count everything i eat, and try to exercise more than i eat, but it's always a variation between 1200 and 2200kcal/day. Truth is that your body accomodates to exercise, and amount of calories so the less you have to loose, more fit you are, weightloss starting to go slower.

    @Rach post it... it's not only motivating for you but also for others :) I have my measuring Friday, after 2 weeks, i hope something is changed
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 40 - HIIT 15 and Tone 30 DONE!

    I've been off the boards for a couple of days, but I'm still HERE! Just been so busy getting everything ready for my vacation next week. I have my Turbo Fire DVD's all packed and ready to go, as I WILL workout while on vacation!

    So - keep pushing!!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    moll- I'd try raisin your calories by100 a day and see how you do. Remember your body usually takes a few weeks to adjust to any change though, so you may not know right away.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hey where is everybody?

    Unscheduled extra rest day for me :smile: oh well. The day just got away from me. Work was super busy, didn't get home til after 6, was starving and ate dinner. Now I need to relax. I'm not a night exerciser. I go to bed at 10, so I don't like to workout after 630-7. Gets me to hyped up.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Star- I know what you mean..it was a long day for me as well. I am getting used to working out late at night but, I think once warmer weather comes, this may have to change. Thank you for all of your advice on bm. I went for the two years but, yes, I agree with you that once I get used to how bm calcs things, I may not need to wear it faithfully for ever. It certainly will help me figure out what it is I should be doing.

    Fire30 & Sculpt 30 tonight.
  • Molldoll0702
    Molldoll0702 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! thanks for the responses regarding my calories and food! I will take the suggestions into consideration :) it does scare me though to try and increase my calories...but I think that probably may be what I need to do.
    So today I did CEX Lean 2 and TF Low HIIT 20...I dont think I had enough food in my system though, I was a bit light headed when I got to the HIIT video... but I pushed through it and it felt good :) I think tomorrow will be a DOR or I may do TF 45EZ...I love that one.
    I did TF45 last night and I havent done that one in a long time and wow it kicked my butt!
    Anyhoo, hope everyone is well and thanks again for all the suggestions!
    Have a great night!
  • DianaV86
    DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
    Yesterday I did Low HIIT 20 after a 45 min weight session...it was awesome. Today is rest day for me!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 41 - Fire 45 DONE!

    Someone asked me yesterday - "are you losing weight?". Nothing like having someone notice all my hard work to give me a motivation boost! Of course I answered - "why YES, I am losing weight!" Thank you Turbo Fire! :)

  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Been kinda MIA lately. This is supposed to be a recovery week, but 45ez 3 times!? uggg! So I'm changing things up a bit. Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day or in my case Core 20/Stretch 40, but I had such a long stressful day at work, I decided to do Fire 60 cuz I needed to get my sweat on. Hate that my HRM isn't working, I'm sure I burned some serious calories.

    @Monie, don't you love when people start to notice? My favorite was when some said to me, "you're looking kinda skinny, you must be working really hard", of course I said, "YES I am working really hard, thank you.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Dym- I hate the recovery week too!!! LOL. 45ez is tough, I don't get why it's in recovery week three times. Also I didn't read you initial post earlier this week until yesterday and I am happy in a weird way that someone else isn't losing mad weight from TF! LOL. Not to mean I'm glad you're not losing fast, just that I'm glad I'm not the only one. I love TF and I love how strong it has made me and that it's helped me lose fat and some weight, but way ack in my the depths of my brain that little evil voice goes "why aren't you losing more/ faster". So.... good to know.

    April- I figure a good three months of devoted wearing the BMF and doing your normal activities gives you good amount of data to base your intake off of. After that you can be more lax about wearing it ALL the time. Especially since summer i coming! That's when I didn't want to wear it very often because of it always showing with short sleeves.

    moll- gad you're ncreasing your calories! Your body will thank you. :smile:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Fire 45/ stretch 10 done! Love that one :smile:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Fire 30 & Core 20.

    Star -yes summer is coming...lol...doesn't feel like it where I am :( I don't want to have to wear it all the time.

    Monie - that is the most wonderful feeling when others notice. Great job!

    Dym- I had issues and have always had issues with mine too. Double 00s no matter what I did that would come and go. The only thing that helped was to shove the brain part that hooks to the strap up inside the bra so it was right on my bone. Crazy, I know but, it worked much better after that. A change of batteries in both at same time works too. Just bought a bodymedia, so now I don't really need my heart rate monitor but have been using it to compare. Can't tell yet if calorie burns are similar between two yet. Just git bodymedia other day. Good luck with your hrm. Do you have a Polar?
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm still here. :) Not following the Turbo calander anymore, I don't feel the need to start the program againat the moment. I'm trying to follow my own exercise plan incorporating some of the workouts focusing more on muscle sculpting and toning. Since I didn't purchase a new program or heavier weights yet this is my tentative schedule for the month:
    Mon-shred, TF hiit, TF lower
    Tues-cardio (fire or run), TF abs
    Wed-shred, TF full body strength (sculpt, tone or clx burn circuit)
    Fri-shred, TF hiit, TF upper
    Sat-shred, cardio (shorter fire or run), TF abs
    Sun-TF core, TF yoga
  • kaszay
    kaszay Posts: 29 Member
    Booooy am i p****d ..... sprained knee and torn knee ligament ... 10 days resting... F***K .... Now i'm trying to figure out how to do TF sitting.... or just standing....
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I had my son take my 20 week pics lol. I'll post when I get a minute, but darn it. I was not having a good ab day and I need a more flattering swimsuit! the one I started with went from being too tight to too loose, especially on my butt. :tongue:
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    april, Polar is sending me a new sensor, hopefully that will last longer than a month.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 42 - REST day! Nuff said. Lol
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Today I started Week 5! Cant believe it's Week 5 already! I subbed out Fire 55ez for Fire 45 because I like 45 better :) Will weigh and take measurements this weekend and see how the 1 month changes ended up (if any!). I'm also running a 5k race tomorrow morning!
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Two more workouts and I've completed week 3. I'm loving every workout so far and the music is brilliant. I'm already noticing changes to my shape and the measure is showing a good few inches gone from all over. I think my favourite workout is the Core one though, my muscles really know it afterwards but it feels amazing.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    started the 12 week program today while on a little mini vaca at my parents! love that they are supporting me in this...even had a really healthy dinner last night (compliments of my mom). no rest for the weary. finished 9 week prep yesterday and started the full on program today!! so excited to see what results I have from that. Will be posting progress pictures once we get back home next week!!