
Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
It looks intense, but I'm ready!


  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I'm excited! At first I was a little nervous, because it wasn't categorized into "abs, legs and butt, upper body, etc" but now i'm really excited!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    April 1st done! She tricked us with that first video, lol!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    April 1

    1. Did OK
    2. Felt very sloppy
    3. The first half was fine, but once the hip raises started I had a hard time. Did much better on that first move than I thought I would!
    4. Ha! My body would NOT lift. Couldn't do it.
    5. I was getting tired and only did the first couple of moves.
    6. Did pretty good. I had to rest a couple of times but was able to do the whole thing with good form.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    April 1st done! She tricked us with that first video, lol!

    I know!! I was so tired (and dumb) I was thinking "Did she say EIGHTY eight?? How old IS she?? She looks AMAZ--oh." :laugh:
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    April 1st done! She tricked us with that first video, lol!

    I know!! I was so tired (and dumb) I was thinking "Did she say EIGHTY eight?? How old IS she?? She looks AMAZ--oh." :laugh:

    Lol! I actually really liked the first video. I did better on the hip raises than I expected, but I think my form was a bit sloppy. I really impressed myself with the rocking exercise... didn't think i'd even be able to do one! Did almost all of them! And i really burst through the pain of those oblique "praying" things.. And I did really well on the thigh workout! Granted, not every single thing and I had to rest a few seconds, but still! nice work everyone!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Doing day 2 tonight! I'm not sure if I'm going to try the corset video.. I don't own a corset! I might substitute it for something similar. Maybe I'll just do it without it!
  • kelmcfar
    kelmcfar Posts: 63
    Ahhh, this is awesome!! SO happy you guys had a great first day cause so did I! Those rocking boats are sooo difficult for me, but I tried to push through them. Day 2 here we come!! Whoo hoo!

    Also, Jen800 you don't need a corset, the video is meant to focus on that corset-looking-thin-waist! Awesome, right?! Give it a try!

    Keep up the great work you guys are doing
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    April 2

    1. I really liked this one, especially since I was doing it at 5:30 and the rest of the family was asleep. :)
    2. LOVED this...especially the cobra pushups.

    That was all I had time to do. I am in the office today and leave the house at 6:45. Normally I could do it after work but I have an appointment tonight and will not be getting home until 10 at the earliest. But I am happy. I was considering just taking today off, but didn't want to do that on day two, so just to keep with the new habit I got up earlier and got some of it done.
  • kelmcfar
    kelmcfar Posts: 63
    Now that is dedication.

    GOOD FOR YOU! Good thing it was quite cardio today (;
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm right in the middle of day 2. Had to stop and have a light snack.. This month seems like it is going to be mega tough!!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Hey guys!

    I was INSANELY sore from Day 1, which is weird because nothing makes me sore and I hadn't been taking a break! My obliques... oh my obliques... I almost considered skipping today, but then I thought about telling the forum I didn't and got right back up and did it!

    April 2:

    Today went pretty well. Struggled a bit on those balancing arm-leg raises, as well as a few of the plank-y things (me and gravity have this.. hatred for eachother :P) but other than that I did quite well! I even did the corset workout :)


    Good work everyone! keep it up!
  • kelmcfar
    kelmcfar Posts: 63

    Today's workout felt FANTASTIC!! Day 3 of April AND my meal plan.


    I know I am(:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I'm going to do today as soon as I get the kids in bed. Today's videos look fun, but I am nervous about more abs today because they're still feeling Monday!!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Sadly, I was cramming for exams today. I was also TOO sore to work out! I never took my break last week, so I took it today. I'll catch up on sunday :)

    Excellent work and great job to all of you who did day 3! keep going!
  • kelmcfar
    kelmcfar Posts: 63
    Great job everyone. Do what you can and make up the rest....(;

    Happy day 4!!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    We had a death in the family so my week got derailed, but I should be able to be back on target Monday or Tuesday.
  • kelmcfar
    kelmcfar Posts: 63
    So sorry to hear. Glad to hear you're still trying!

    Keep it up <3
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    April 9

    Bodypop HIIT -- I loved this one!! The earthquake at the end was intense, but I love ab exercises so it was a good burn.
    Live While We're Young - I didn't have a chair so I just did inner thigh leg lifts
    Want You Back Arms - I love these, but 4 minutes straight? Wow.
    Butt Blaster & Slimmer Inner Thighs- My butt and legs are WARM right now!!!
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I missed day 8 & 9 cause I have a cold & I'm too sick to workout. It's so frustrating! Catching up is going to be brutal!!
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    April 9

    Bodypop HIIT -- I loved this one!! The earthquake at the end was intense, but I love ab exercises so it was a good burn.
    Live While We're Young - I didn't have a chair so I just did inner thigh leg lifts
    Want You Back Arms - I love these, but 4 minutes straight? Wow.
    Butt Blaster & Slimmer Inner Thighs- My butt and legs are WARM right now!!!

    Ahh, I don't like the earthquake moves!! They're super effective though..