Vitamin D deficiency?

Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member

I have been gluten free for 6 months now. I have not been officially diagnosed with Celiacs, but feel much better since changing my diet.

I just found out that I have a vitamin D deficiency. The doctor prescribed a supplement for me to take for the next 3 months, and then a follow up visit. The nurse told me that it is common this time of year where I live for people to lack it. However, I'm wondering if it is an absorbtion issue. I am pretty sure my intake is high.

Have any of you had a similar experience?


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I had very low D as well. My doctor said it's an "epidemic" primarily caused by all the sunscreen we slather on, and fake foods we eat.

    I went on a mega dose for a few weeks, and then moved my sunscreen to work. I walk or ride to work every day, so I get 30-60 minutes of sun a day. I've now been able to hold my D level high enough.
    (before I quit gluten, and since I quit gluten)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've got it too. Skin cancer runs in my family, and I slather on the sunscreen, wear hats, stay out of the sun during peak hours - all of it. So a vitamin D deficiency wasn't a big surprise.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Celiac disease is a malabsorption disorder. So Vitamin D, B12, iron, etc. can all be problematic. Combine that with a northern climate, and it can be hard to get enough Vitamin D.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    I have been gluten free for 6 months now. I have not been officially diagnosed with Celiacs, but feel much better since changing my diet.

    I just found out that I have a vitamin D deficiency. The doctor prescribed a supplement for me to take for the next 3 months, and then a follow up visit. The nurse told me that it is common this time of year where I live for people to lack it. However, I'm wondering if it is an absorbtion issue. I am pretty sure my intake is high.

    Have any of you had a similar experience?
    Have you been tested for celiac?
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Yeah, same here. Undiagnosed Celiac (GI primarily sure, but I went GF before being tested because my doc didn't belive me - she wasn't happy!), with low Vit. D.
    I started an OTC supplement, and it seems to do just fine. I live in MN, and sometimes its hard to get out in the sun! I can't wait for summer at this point.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I take calcium with Vitamin D and also a D 3......I am post menopausal so the combination of Celiac and that makes me need more Vitamin D...
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I'm not sure where you live but my doctor told me that anyone living in Canada or in the northern part of the world in general would benefit from taking vitamin d because we just don't get the amount of sunshine required to produce it. When i was tested mine was very low & he put me on high dose of 4000iu a day and I feel much better.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    YES! I was told I had a severe D deficiency before I was officially diagnosed. But if you are gluten free and feel better, don't go back to gluten just to get tested. It really is not worth it.