The woman in the shop

Clara said the woman in the shop gave her the Doctor's phone number.

WHO IS THE WOMAN IN THE SHOP? I am more curious about this than anything else right now.



  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Good question... I noticed that too... I forgot to mention anything about it though when I replied to other topics...

    Assuming that the story took place in 2013, it can't be Amy because she'd be dead already.

    Donna? River? Martha, I'm assuming, is off battling aliens somewhere and isn't Rose still in the alternate universe? (Although I guess she might have come back)

    See, here's my fear with Who... that each ep might ask more questions than it answers and then it becomes The X-Files LOL

    (Although it's fine so far.... just don't want it to get out of control)
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    The girl from Blink?
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh that's goooood.... hmmmm... interesting!

    I wouldn't mind seeing her again... she was cute *cough*