Dealing with Nausea without eating 24/7?

weldinchic Posts: 34 Member
Anyone have any tips? I lost 42 pounds and I'm going to gain it all back dealing with this awful nausea! I love this kid sooooo much, but "your killin' me smalls!" I need to find a healthier way to deal with this, besides constantly snacking. Any suggestions?


  • JenniferD83
    JenniferD83 Posts: 20 Member
    it is soooo hard! I've had to basically tell myself that i can do whatever it takes to get thru the first trimester and will deal with the fallout once i feel better. When I can (sometimes the nausea won't let me) I snack on almonds which helps a bit and and is better than always eating toast.

    Going to bed really early helps cos then I'm not eating all evening, and the nausea is worse with tiredness for me, so if I get a lot of sleep its often not as bad the next day.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Honestly, I just ate and tried to make the best choices I could. The alternative was throwing up - I just tried to remind myself that there's a reason snacking helps and your body is supposed to gain during pregnancy. It's hard, but you just kind of have to let go and acknowledge you are not in as much control as you want to be :(
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    It's really hard :( My first trimester I just tried to eat whatever I could, which mostly consisted of toast, pizza and ice cream. Sometimes my lunch would just be crackers and gatorade, because that's all I could hold down. But I didn't gain weight until 16 weeks or so because I could barely eat anything. It hopefully won't last too long. If you are snacking throughout the day, that might be healthier since you are keeping your metabolism going? Try to throw in some healthier snacking like fruit (clementines and grapes worked for me), nuts, etc.
  • Stevie00018
    Stevie00018 Posts: 132 Member
    In my first trimester saltine crackers and ice cold water were my best friend. It only took a few crackers to help make me feel better and cold water always felt nice on the inside of my tummy. Everyone is different when it comes to their morning sickness. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do in order to make that healthy baby & then worry about the weight after baby comes.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    if the nausea doesn't subside you can talk to your doctor about help. I was diagnosed with HG, I could not keep anything down and ended up with a picc line in my arm for fluids and intravenous anti nausea medicine. I had this with my first two babies as well, it is something beyond "morning sickness" definitely ask for help if you are not getting relief!! I've got 11 weeks to go and am still sick as the day I found out I was expecting. Hang in there, at least it is temporary
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It is temporary, but the best you can do is just make good choices. I wouldn't try to control your eating so much in the sense that you really are better off eating smaller meals more often. Small amounts of protein are good (nuts, PB, cheese), but I always did great with fruit, plus I was able to eat a lot of it without feeling like I was gorging myself! The hardest part was keeping my fridge stocked with it.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Ice water with lemon helped me. I also ate lightly salted almonds. Carbs were my friend during my first trimester. I had an english muffin or a bagel thin every morning.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I echo what everyone else is saying. you really just gotta get through however you can and make up for it later. I ate sour candy and chips. I didn't gain any weight in the first trimester despite eating all that junk because I didn't eat much of anything else!

    oh and also, before I got out of bed I ate half a banana and three saltine crackers. it set the mood for the rest of the day.
  • SamanthaAnneTowler
    SamanthaAnneTowler Posts: 17 Member
    Peppermint tea or peppermint hard candies seem to help me.