July Due Dates

Stevie00018 Posts: 132 Member
I'm due July 29th which puts me at 23 weeks. My weight before pregnant 135, my weight now, 167 ...what's everyone else going at? Anyone worried about being pregnant in the heat?


  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm due 7/6/13. I'm 26 weeks 3 days. I can't wait until it starts getting warm and I can wear dresses and sandals. I'm so sick of getting dressed in pants and sweaters and boots I could scream!
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    I'm due in late July and just had my 24 week appointment yesterday. I'm up 16lbs, which seems like a lot but I did go on vacation last week, and I don't look like I've gained anything at all. The midwives are really happy with my gain so I guess I have to get over it.

    I am worried about the heat but mostly because I don't like it when I'm not pregnant. I'm hoping between AC and a pool I'll be okay...
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'm 27 weeks due July 2 and have gained 22 pounds. I am measuring ahead at 30 weeks and my midwife thinks I have excess fluid which could be why I have gained so much (was 147 10 days ago and now am 152, SW was 130). So I have to get another ultrasound to confirm. she said it's nothing to be worried about but would rather know.