Weighing (yourself) & Tracking (your food)

LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
Staying off the scale has been hard and it's only Day 3 for me. I've moved it into my kids bathroom to avoid immediate temptation but want so badly to hop on after the first week just to see. I'd be ok to do it blind folded & then get a thumbs up or thumbs down from my daughter looking at the numbers. Your thoughts???

Food tracking continues for me - old habits die hard. But I think as the days move on I'll stop doing this as well. What are you doing???


  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    The last two times I attempted one of these I both tracked and weighed myself. I didn't finish either of them and didn't see the results I wanted up to when I fell off. SO....I've made a commitment to myself this time to not weigh myself or track for the whole month. But it's REALLY hard not to.....
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    The first time I took the scale to my neighbors house and told her not to give it back to me until I was done. Since then, I don't have a hard time staying off the scale.
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    The first time I took the scale to my neighbors house and told her not to give it back to me until I was done....

    That. Is. Awesome.
  • sataylor24
    sataylor24 Posts: 49 Member
    I am not weighing myself but am tracking/logging my food daily, I'm pretty sure that I won't over indulge but have a bad habit of not eating enough.
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    I totally tried to convince my fiancé to look at the scale with me on it but eyes covered but he refused. Good man!!! I'm holding on without knowing but am convinced I'm dropping as my clothes are feeling looser. Not sure if its from this week, the last few weeks of clean-ish eating, or a combo of both. Probably the latter and I'm ok with that. May need to send my scale off to the neighbors house for the rest of the month!!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm having a hard time with the thought of not tracking to see "where I am at". I honestly am nervous about the idea and thinking of starting April 15th.

    My reasons are I can put away a LOT of food....like...a lot. I have a history of going on binges and hiding them, etc.....so I'm scared of the "eat til you're full" thing so I'm not sure I even know when that would be.

    Has anyone else had this kind of problem or are you "normal" eaters? lol
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I'm having a hard time with the thought of not tracking to see "where I am at". I honestly am nervous about the idea and thinking of starting April 15th.

    My reasons are I can put away a LOT of food....like...a lot. I have a history of going on binges and hiding them, etc.....so I'm scared of the "eat til you're full" thing so I'm not sure I even know when that would be.

    Has anyone else had this kind of problem or are you "normal" eaters? lol

    First off, with all the fat on my plate, I never ate to that point that I felt uncomfortable (maybe that only happens with excessive carb intake?). Second, I eat A LOT for my size(5'-2"/130lbs/2000+calories) and I don't gain weight (unless I go on a 4 day Easter candy binge) :blushing:

    so... as long as you are filling your plate with a lot of fat, 1-2 palm sizes of protein and veggies, you won't eat too much.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you - I think I'm just going to quit stressing and plan to go on 4/15. I think I have another local friend on board with me too, so that will help :)

    I lost 150 lbs with WW, and for 2 years I've been screwing around with these last 50 or so lbs....I know this is not purely about weight loss and it IS about overall health, but something has to give becasue obviously I'm not doing well on anything else right now LOL.

    Two more questions - I'm reading and see paleo "junk food substitutes" are not allowed. Does this include paleo bread? And I would guess even though you're not ingesting chewing gum you're still "eating" fake sweets so that would be off, correct?

    Thanks, will keep reading as well and plan for 4/15
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Thank you - I think I'm just going to quit stressing and plan to go on 4/15. I think I have another local friend on board with me too, so that will help :)

    I lost 150 lbs with WW, and for 2 years I've been screwing around with these last 50 or so lbs....I know this is not purely about weight loss and it IS about overall health, but something has to give becasue obviously I'm not doing well on anything else right now LOL.

    Two more questions - I'm reading and see paleo "junk food substitutes" are not allowed. Does this include paleo bread? And I would guess even though you're not ingesting chewing gum you're still "eating" fake sweets so that would be off, correct?

    Thanks, will keep reading as well and plan for 4/15

    This should answer your question about bread (and other "paleo-fied" food):

    Chewing gum is out for two reasons: 1) sugar or artificial sweeteners are not allowed. 2) the act of chewing tells your brain that you are eating. But you're not. So, it messes with your hunger signals (and other important signals that the brain sends to the body).
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm having a hard time with the thought of not tracking to see "where I am at". I honestly am nervous about the idea and thinking of starting April 15th.

    My reasons are I can put away a LOT of food....like...a lot. I have a history of going on binges and hiding them, etc.....so I'm scared of the "eat til you're full" thing so I'm not sure I even know when that would be.

    Has anyone else had this kind of problem or are you "normal" eaters? lol

    You can totally DO THIS! Seriously. I could binge eat like no ones business too. When I moved to Paleo off WW I was totally nervous but it is seriously liberating! EAT FAT! EAT FAT! EAT FAT! As long as you're getting it from good sources and pairing it with good protein and veggies you'll be golden!

    I was completely surprised at how soon I got full, and how long I stayed full. It's one of those things you have to try to believe.
  • chasingpavements24
    chasingpavements24 Posts: 107 Member
    i am measuring/tracking my food - I have seriously no concept of measurements. A tsp and a tb of coconut oil look exactly the same to me, and if I don't track, I really can't tell whether I ate 1000 calories or 2000 calories. Also, I think it's helpful to know how much I'm eating and how much fat/protein I'm eating, so if there's an issue, I can have some idea of what to change. Hopefully, I'll become a more intuitive eater and can stop measuring/tracking after a week or so.

    I'm stepping on the scale tomorrow (need it for some health papers), and after that, I'm off until May 1st! I hate the scale, so this isn't that hard for me, haha.
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    Okay....5 days in I'm changing my mind. I am going to track. It just helps with accountability and lets other people see what I'm eating for ideas...and I want to look at other people's for ideas too.

    No weighing though. My husband hid the scale away somewhere in the house.....where I can't reach it without putting a great deal of effort into it.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    My husband and I are logging our meals, but only doing so because we're curious at the end of the day to see how many calories we actually ate (all other macro columns have been removed.) Also, he's on a SERIOUS workout regimen right now and it was enlightening to see that he was only eating around 1200 calories, which just isn't enough and wasn't giving him the needed energy to rock his workouts. I think seeing how little he actually was getting was a good thing, as it convinced him to actually eat a serious breakfast even when his body insisted he wasn't hungry, and the past few days I've noticed a big change in him.

    We aren't changing what we're eating based on the logging, otherwise - now, he's just eating MORE of the good foods we're already preparing.

    As for the scale, I binged leading up to the Whole30, and didn't know what that binge really did to me, weight-wise. I wanted to have a fair guess at what I weighed at the beginning, and didn't want to count the sodium-inflated number that I saw on Day 1 as my official starting weight. So, I weighed the next couple of mornings just to make sure the number was getting back down to the general number range I was used to seeing. (It did, and I haven't gotten on the scale since Day 3.) :)
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    I have decided not to log my food this time around. I've been logging and tracking my food for the past year or so, and I feel like it's really messed with my ability to pick up on my hunger and satiety signals. I was on vacation and didn't log for 3 days, and my eating habits were wild! Its like I didn't know what to eat without the structure of weighing/measuring portions on a scale.

    Plus, I like this website as a way to reach out and meet people who are supportive of health and fitness pursuits, but for people with my obsessive personality, it can be a negative thing, too. I need to stop for the next month, but I think I'll still keep track of what I eat in my food notes and exercise. We'll see how it goes!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I took the last week or so off from tracking. I think I'm going to go ahead and track this Whole30 because I'm trying something a little different. I want to experiment with Ketosis and try to keep my carbs under 50g/day. I know I may get frustrated with tracking before the 30 days is over and that's fine, but I've done 3 Whole30's without tracking, so I feel ok about tracking this time. We'll see how it goes!
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    I'm going to weigh myself on the 15th for a half way marker. Can't resist. I'm going to keep tracking my food for another week or so as I add more fats in to make sure my numbers are in line with where they need to be. *fingers crossed*
  • cksummer2013
    cksummer2013 Posts: 39 Member
    This will be my first Whole30 and my plan is to take my scale to my bff's house so as to not be tempted. I will probably blog or post my list of foods but will not track calories etc. I will log foods because at the end I want to see what I ate the 30 days for ideas and in case I don't lose as I feel I should. I hope I am going about this the correct way...
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    forgot to mention. I will NOT be stepping on the scale. I might do progress pix though.