Posts: 52
To whom it may concern,
My name is Adrian, and I am required to do a Research Project for my last year of secondary school.
My topic for the Research Project is "Maintaining an Adequate Iron Intake while being Vegan"
To gain primary sources I have decided to conduct interviews, but I am having little luck with replies.
So I was wondering if any vegans here would be happy to be asked questions or be interviewed about their diet.
You have the option to remain anonymous, so there are no problems if you would not like to be identified. Any questions you feel are too intrusive please feel free to leave blank. There are also no right or wrong answers, and the answers will be used solely for the purpose of my research, and will not be given to any third parties.
If it's okay, I'll post the questions, and if anyone would like to they could just message me their answers. I may ask some follow up questions if that's okay, but you don't have to answer those if you don't want to.
This would really help with my studies, so thank you all for your time.
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
My name is Adrian, and I am required to do a Research Project for my last year of secondary school.
My topic for the Research Project is "Maintaining an Adequate Iron Intake while being Vegan"
To gain primary sources I have decided to conduct interviews, but I am having little luck with replies.
So I was wondering if any vegans here would be happy to be asked questions or be interviewed about their diet.
You have the option to remain anonymous, so there are no problems if you would not like to be identified. Any questions you feel are too intrusive please feel free to leave blank. There are also no right or wrong answers, and the answers will be used solely for the purpose of my research, and will not be given to any third parties.
If it's okay, I'll post the questions, and if anyone would like to they could just message me their answers. I may ask some follow up questions if that's okay, but you don't have to answer those if you don't want to.
This would really help with my studies, so thank you all for your time.
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I will answer publicly just to bump the thread...
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
I don't understand this question. I am a strict vegan for ethical reasons... also for other reasons.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
I have not been sick since I became vegan, but through eating healthy and exercising I was rarely sick before either so its hard to say. my skin is better (eczema on my hands is gone, acne on face lessened) which I believe could be attributable to cutting out the dairy.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
No. "temptation" does not really exist to me because my beliefs and why I am vegan are very strong and i have no desire to break any of my self-imposed rules. it can be difficult when being hosted by someone else because i don't want them to feel bad when all i eat are the veggies, but actually only eating the veggies is not difficult. if you eat REAL food, you always have options, even if its just an apple or some celery. I also make sure I am prepared where ever I go with energy bars or peanut butter if I know i will be out and might not have access to a lot of food.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Both. the research in to the meat and dairy industry began due to curiosities around health, but the final decision was ethics-based.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I plan my food in advance regardless because fueling my body properly is important to me. Becoming vegan did not change this, but rather made it easier to stick to as tempting options to stray are fewer and further between.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
Haven't yet!
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
I do! But as mentioned, I did this prior to becoming vegan.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
There is always SOMETHING, whether it be a salad without dressing or a whole vegan-friendly meal. I look up menus ahead of time to see what my options might be. Again, I did this prior to becoming vegan as I like to see what healthy options are available before going to a new restaurant.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Mostly what i eat is just real food and is therefore very cheap. Lots of fruits and veggies which, when obtained from farmers markets, are inexpensive! There are also lots of cheap options for some of the more expensive items I do buy, but I choose to spend a little more to get higher quality ingredients.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
I do but I am able to make my own "fortified" meals using real food as well. Its nice to have options when you're not feeling creative or you're pressed for time.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
I eat a fair amount of tofu and almond milk. Other than that, I try to keep things clean - i.e. I don't buy processed versions of meat such as veggie burgers, tofurkey, vegan bacon, etc. The more simple the ingredients, the better!
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take a B12 supplement as I think most vegans do. Prior to becoming vegan I had issues with anemia so I try to obtain as much dietary iron as I can and track this on a daily basis. Every few weeks I may take one iron supplement if I've noticed my days have been low as of late, but usually it is not an issue.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
I have been a sctrict vegetarian all my life and trying to make the transition to vegan.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
My cholesterol has gone down, I have lost weight, and stomach pains/ bloating are pretty much gone.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Yes, so many recipies call for eggs, milk, etc and some vegan substitutes just don't cut it!
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
I am becoming vegan for health reasons but being a vegetarian has always been ethical.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
Not really, I just have to plan my trips to the grocery store more carefully. As long as I don't have non-vegan food in my pantry it's not too difficult to stick with it. Going out is another story.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
I miss real bread and pasta. Other then that not really. I'm not fond of eggs or milk on their own.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
I still eat frozen meals and pre-packaged meals like a normal person, they're just vegan. :P When it comes to cooking real food though it does take some extra preparation.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I have one cheat day a week to eat just vegetarian so I just make it the day I am going out. It's not hard to find vegetarian options almost anywhere. Once I transition to full vegan it will be all salads for me when I go out!
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Absolutely. Protein powders, iron supplements, meat substitutes, soy yogurt/ cheese, vegan ice cream, etc.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
I'm only human.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Almond milk is a staple for my protein smoothies and breakfast, I only occasionally need egg replacers for baking, and I absolutely adore seitan as my meat substitute.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take an iron supplement that also has the spectrum of B vitamins. I am realistic about my diet, and I know it is difficult to get enough of certain nutrients from a plant based diet.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
The plan is to be a strict vegan, but I'm relatively new at this.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
My chronic migraines went away. I've lost about 32lbs, have a lot more energy, a lot less tummy trouble and am a lot happier.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
I can only speak as a new Vegan (Sept 1st I switched). The first 3 months felt incredibly difficult to me, but I was out of my element. I lived wholly off of dairy and meat previously- I was anti veggie and fruit. I've had one slip up that made me incredibly sick. It has only become easier since then. My first set of holidays were stressful, and my first run in with my favorite pizza was painful but now I don't even flinch.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
They started health based because of my migraines and the more I educated myself it became ethic based as well and I started the switch from vegan diet to full vegan lifestyle.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
Doesn't everyone? I've always been more comfortable planning my food in advance- vegan and prior. For special events like my daughter's girl scout camping trip and birthday parties I have to plan for food now where I didn't otherwise. I also will check out a restaurant menu in advance before I decide if I want to go.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
My last lingering craving is crab. I went from what felt like 10000 things I missed down to that one and I'm sure that last craving will go away soon.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
At first I did, now it feels pretty natural and I don't have to read as many labels.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I try to look at menus in advance. I haven't found anywhere I couldn't eat yet, though I've found places I won't eat again. Most places will answer questions fairly honestly and allow you to remove ingredients from dishes.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
I haven't found any as expensive as steak per pound.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
We use almond milk which I think is fortified but it's not the reason we use it. Our nutrients are fine.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Sure? Is tofu really considered an animal substitute?
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take a vegan multivitamin (vegan from ingredients used to make it not special nutrients for vegans) because I think everyone should and l B12 because it's hard to get in a vegan diet.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Not sure what this question means. If you are hoping for people to pick a category, your categories don't make a lot of sense. I am a strict vegetarian for ethical reasons, much more relaxed "vegan" (about 90% vegan)
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Not noticeably, but I was very healthy before. I am less gassy/bloated without dairy.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I plan food in advance in order to eat enough to satisfy me without going over my calorie goal, not to "maintain my diet"
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
I miss cheese, baked goods with real butter, and sushi.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
No? Do you?
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
Nothing. I don't give it the slightest thought. There is always something.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
No, in fact they are much less expensive than animal products.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
I use almond milk because I like it, but it does help with my calcium requirements. If I didn't like, I wouldn't use it just to get the calcium.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Tofu is a food that has been around for thousands of years, not an "animal substitute." I use almond milk because I like it; I never liked dairy milk and used almond or soymilk before giving up dairy, so I don't consider this an animal substitute either. I replace eggs for baking with flax seeds, bananas, applesauce, or tofu, all of which are real foods.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I have taken a B-complex for years to aid with stress and for better nails, and I still take it.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Vegan. No animal products.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Lost weight. Body fat percent down. Can see abs coming through. Never got sick before but did make it through winter without even a runny nose. May be due to the fact that I began juicing about a year ago this spring.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Never. Cooking is easier! Meat is a pain in the bacon to cook. Veggies are easy and forgiving.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Health originally. Once I went vegan, I felt so good I never want to go back to eating animal products. Ethical part is very nice "side effect".
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
No. But I was never good at meal planning. Veganism makes creating meals even easier.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
No. Don't even notice.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
No. Veganism is easy.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
In the three years I've been vegan, there has always been some kind of vegan option, even if it's salad. Ethnic restaurants are the easiest and "American" restaurants are the most difficult to find vegan food.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Some. I really like the weekly farmers market down the street. Sometimes it costs more there but it's fresher and I like supporting local farms and businesses. In a way it's cheaper because I don't get sick. I'm not over weight. I don't have diet related health problems so I don't have the costs associated with a bad diet.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
No. I eat as many fresh non-processed foods as possible. So they don't lose nutrition.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
No. I don't like them. I like my food to be what it is. As stated above, I do my best to avoid processed food. I do make an exception for bakery-fresh bread sometimes.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
Only vitamin D per doctor's orders. By eating fresh minimally processed food, it retains its vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.0 -
I have really enjoyed reading everyone's responses!
Here is mine:
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Strict vegan diet. Ethical vegetarian, but I haven't done the research necessary to have a vegan home (cruelty free home products)
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Yes. I have had people comment on my skin being especially clear, plus I have been steadily losing weight without feeling like I am 'dieting'. (about 25 pounds)
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
No. I thought I would miss cheese a lot, but I don't. Maybe pizza a little, but I am like the tomato sauce part better than the cheese, so I can make my own version.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Both. I have been an ethical vegetarian for 20+ years, but switched recently to vegan for additional health benefits.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I don't have to plan in advance because even gas stations have things like bananas and apples nowadays in addition to nuts, but I find it easier to plan in advance. Plus it is cheaper because a person can buy things in larger quantities at grocery stores for cheaper. I buy many things at Costco like nuts, vegetables and fruits, plus things like Larabars and Trio bars.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
No more than before I was vegan. Some days I spend a lot of time cooking, but most of the time I am too busy, so I just grab some veggies, fruit, nuts, etc.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I almost always check into restaurants in advance to plan healthy option which I did prior to being vegan. There are always salads!And honestly I almost always have some almonds on hand...
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
None that are necessary. I was somewhat of an ice cream addict prior to becoming vegan, so I feel compelled to eat either almond or coconut milk ice cream which is a little expensive compared to regular ice cream, but I consume no more than one container a week...which is about $6...less than a dollar a day for my indulgence. I know people that spend $4 on a coffee drink every day!
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
Not specifically for that reason. I do eat almond or coconut milk which I enjoy in cereal. I eat kashi cereal which has more protein in it, so that might count.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
As mentioned earlier, I eat almond and coconut milk. I also eat Boca burgers which is one of my few highly processed indulgences...I try to eat mostly whole foods, but I work full time with two small children, plus coach cheerleading at my school, plus I am a leader for my church youth group. I am a very busy person!
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I think that vitamins are recommended for all people. I have followed Weight Watchers off and on for several years and the program recommends a multi-vitamin. I take one every day that has vegan ingredients.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
- I'd say I'm a moderate vegan. I don't eat meat or animal products of any kind (including eggs or dairy) but I do wear animal based items (leather, etc.).
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
- I have always been a fairly healthy eater but turning vegan has dramatically changed my digestion and bloat factor for the better.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
- Not really. I was raised vegetarian, then started eating meat and am now vegan so it's been an easier transition for me than if I hadn't originally been vegetarian. The only times it can be difficult is when restaurants don't have anything I can eat.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
- Mostly health reasons but ethics definitely came into play.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
- Not at all. You just get into a routine and go for it. It's actually been a lot easier now that I'm vegan.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
- Only sushi, I never liked chicken, turkey or any red meats.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
- Same as I ever did.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
- I'm fortunate enough to live in the most vegan friendly city (in most likely the world) so that hasn't been an issue. When there have been times where there is nothing vegan on the menu, I've just asked the chefs if they'd mind preparing something special and they've always obliged.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
- I'd say the culmination of everything I buy is spendy. My breakfast smoothing in the morning is pretty outrageous and I spend hundreds of dollars a month on fruits and vegetables.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
- No
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
- Not a staple but I definitely consume them upon occasion
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
- I've always taken supplements out of habit. I take multi-vitamins every morning and then calcium and magnesium in the evenings.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Moderate vegan. I adhere to a strict vegan diet and try to buy cruelty-free or vegan products, but have not tossed out all my non-vegan stuff in my house and replaced it.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Yes. My cholesterol has gone down to within normal levels. I have had moderately high cholesterol since age 25 (I'm now 48), but not quite to the point of needing medication. My family history includes extreme hypercholesterolemia and heart disease, so I wanted to get it under control. I've been vegan 3 1/2 years. My cholesterol very quickly went down into the enviable range. I have also been borderline anemic all my adult life and that corrected when I transitioned to a vegan diet, even though I do not take iron supplementation.
I also discovered I am very severely lactose intolerant and had never had a clue until going on a vegan diet. So no more constant stomach pain for me. That has been a huge plus.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Not in the way of desiring meat/dairy. It is generally fairly simple for me. It just takes forethought if I am going to be going out to eat or going to someone's house. If I am fairly certain there will be limited choices for me, I eat a healthy snack before leaving home. When going to a potluck, I bring a tasty dish that is vegan so I know there will at least be one thing I can eat.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Initially, for health reasons, but as I did more and more research, it merged with the ethical reasons as well. I cannot imagine ever going back to an omnivorous diet.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I have always planned food in advance for my family. I have had a whole foods type diet for our family for over 20 years. There has historically been very little processed food in our home.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
Not at all. When I first transitioned to a vegan diet, I would occasionally have something prepared with dairy when out at someone else's home, but quickly discovered that those indiscretions lead to severe stomach pain, so something with cheese or even something as small as a handful of M&Ms were just not worth the price.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
I've always taken care and consideration to food preparation. I have always made out menus, made things from scratch, relied very little on take out or prepared and convenience foods.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I make sure to eat something nutritious beforehand or to have a healthy snack with me.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
I have not found that our grocery bills increased significantly. Even though I am the only one vegan in our family, we have greatly reduced the amount of meat purchased.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
I will eat tofu once every week or two. Egg replacers, no. I use an organic almond milk that has only almonds and filtered water on the ingredient list. Every once in a blue moon, I will have other meat substitutes (grain sausages, veggie burgers), but this is quite rare.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I do take a vegan formulated multivitamin (iron-free) mainly for the B12. I do also now take vitamin D supplementation, but not because of my diet specifically. We recently moved from the Deep South to the Pacific Northwest.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Not sure what you class as a strict vegan i'm just a Vegan for ethical reasons so do not Partake in any animal products be it food or wool or anything else. IMO if you are a Vegan you do that. If though you wear animal products etc youv are just adhering to a Vegan diet (you are not a vegan) there is a huge difference between the two
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Bit of a weird question as without a full battery of tests this is impossible to say. I'm on a weight loss site so obviously I wasnt that healthy. There are healthy vegan diets as there are unhealthy ones
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I do a meal menu for a week but then so do a lot of meat eaters
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
I have nothing to compare that to
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
We actually dont eat out (honestly) nothing to do with veganism we just don't
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Not a good question for a questionaire you are already implying that the items are expensive
No more than good quality non vegan food. You pay for quality no matter the diet
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
I use soy milk but its not to help with my nutrients I just like it
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Tofus not really an animal substitute. We do use it a lot. We also use soy and almond milk. Dont really use egg replacers much as there are normally other methods than resorting to them
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why
?Dont really like your phrasing 'resorted' sounds like you already have an opinion rather than waiting for the answers
I take a B12 supplement but most vegans do. I also take iron but that is nothing to do with my vegan diet but a medical condition
I've answered your questions but i'd like to say as someone who has done quite a few pieces of research using questionnaires your questions are rather biased an leading. If you want a good bit of accurate research I would suggest going back to the drawing board and looking at the questions again. It takes a lot of work to put together an unbiased questionnaire i'm afraid yours isn't one0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
I am a strict vegan for ethical reasons. I attempt to make any product I use vegan, though this is not always in my control. (Clothing, food, cosmetics, hygiene products, candles, etc are always vegan.)
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
I've been vegetarian and vegan for so long that I can't answer this question. I've been eating this way prior to adulthood. My blood tests show what is classified as optimal (and sometimes above the scale) levels for cholesterol, triglycerides. My blood pressure runs low. My blood work shows adequate levels of protein, iron, vitamins, etc.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
It's not difficult to stick to it, but it can be difficult to find options at social gatherings and restaurants.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I plan food in advance due to my calorie needs, but I maintain awareness of health and nutrition when meal planning and don't feel I have to make a special effort to do so because I am vegan.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
No, never. The sight and smell of meat is terrible to me, and there are vegan substitutes for pretty much everything.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
Yes, I prefer not to eat food that may have been cooked with meat.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I eat ahead of time if it is not in my control, but when going out with friends, we choose to go places we know I can eat.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Yes, definitely. This is a matter of choice, though, because you can eat a healthy vegan diet without buying specialty items. (Foods my partner, a non-vegetarian, eats can also be expensive.)
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
Not intentionally, but so many foods are fortified that I know I do.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Alternative milks are, and I like tofu, though I don't consider tofu an animal substitute. You can substitute things like chia seeds for eggs in recipes so I would consider that regular food rather than a substitute.)
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take vegan Omega 3 because I believe it is good for health. I take a multivitamin sometimes, but not every day, because my vitamin B-12 and folic acid levels were actually overly high the last time I had blood work done. I use protein powder, but this is more due to my gluten intolerance. If I didn't have that, I would be able to eat enough protein through regular foods. Prior to knowing I had a gluten intolerance, I never used protein powder and got plenty of protein. I try to limit soy. I use pea protein powder and pumpkin seed protein powder.
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Happy to help out.
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
I'm a strict vegan for ethical reasons - I don't wear leather, wool, pearls and don't use products tested on animals.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
My health hasn't changed.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
It's not difficult for me to stay on the diet, although it sometimes is difficult to find food that is vegan when I'm away from home.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Ethically based
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
I don't miss it because I find vegan substitutions that satisfy whatever I may be missing. I never cared for meat - I mostly create dairy substitutes.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
No, my kitchen is practically completely vegan.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
Don't usually do anything to prepare - I can always find something on the menu. I don't mind telling waiters to leave out ingredients.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
My food bill is lower than my friends that are meat eaters. The only thing that I'll spend a little extra on is vegan sorbet.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
I eat them, but not with consuming nutrients in mind.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Tofu and seitan are staples in my diet. I'll have them a few times a week. (But I don't really consider them substitutes - they are their own foods) I don't use egg replacers. I do use soy and almond milk.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take vitamin D regularly (which has nothing to do with being vegan). I've also started taking B12 because I know I can't get that any other way. I do regular blood tests (about every 6 months or so) and so far, iron has never been an issue. I've been vegan for over 3 years and was vegetarian before that.
I hope this was helpful. Good luck with your research. Feel free to ask me anything else if you need.0 -
I would love to help!
This would really help with my studies, so thank you all for your time.
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
- My husband and I first decided to go vegetarian for health reasons, then a few days later decided to become full-fledged vegans after studying up on the subject, which was for ethical reasons.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
- I am getting a much wider variety of food now than I was before, because plant foods have crowded out the junk. We are much more likely to reach our nutritional goals than we were before. My husband lost 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks. I was nearly 8 months pregnant when we transitioned, but I have lost inches around the "me" parts of my body, while my weight hovers at about the same because of growing baby. My acne, dry skin, allergies, and heartburn are either gone or rarely appear. I no longer have morning sickness at all, and it used to be all day long.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet? It has not been difficult for us, but it can somehow make others uncomfortable. Even though the vast majority of our meals are eaten privately, it seems that one has to explain their reasoning for not using animal products often. You become a sort of professional myth debunker and peacekeeper.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
- Health, ethics, and environmentally based.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
-In a way, yes. However, grabbing a piece of fruit or nuking a sweet potato are pretty fast foods to me. I shop on sundays, and prepare things like quinoa and rice ahead of time, so throwing meals together later in the week is a snap. All in all, it's no different in difficulty than when we were omnivores. It just takes a little practice to get the rhythm down. I felt like adjusting to the way I planned meals from a single person to a married person was more difficult than going from omni to vegan.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
- I thought I did once. I'd only been off dairy for a week and had gone out for asian food, only to find that there was one dish on the whole buffet that would qualify as vegan. I ate soft serve ice cream at the end, I don't know why, I wasn't really craving it. (maybe because of the lack of selection?) Anyway, I had stomach cramps by the time I got in the car. I hadn't missed the taste either. It was that much more clear that I didn't need or want it.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
-Maybe? I do pay extra attention to the nutrients of my food, not because they are hard to attain, in fact, it is much much EASIER to meet my goals without a multivitamin since I have been vegan. It's more because I am still learning, and don't want to mistakenly miss out on nutrients since I am pregnant. As I said, it is much, much easier to have balance and eat good food without heavy foods like meat and cheese taking up room in my stomach and my daily calories.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
-You can always call ahead, or if you're in a situation where it won't be considered rude not to eat (or no one would notice) you can eat beforehand. I worked in food service for a very long time, as a server and as a cook. Most places appreciate the heads' up, and sometimes chefs are happy to make a special dish for you to show off their skills. It helps to be as friendly as possible, and to be understanding, they are cooking for the masses, and the masses eat butter! I have yet to come across a restaurant that has no veg choices, but I haven't gone to a BBQ joint in a while.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
-People who buy meat and cheese replacers spend more than vegans who do not. We usually purchase a block or two of vegan cheese and a tub of tofutti sour cream, because sometimes it's nice to make veganized versions of food you already love. All in all, I still spend much, much less than I did before. Our weekly groceries used to run about $130-$150, Now, they run more like $50-$100, depending on what meals I've planned.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
- I drink almond milk because I like it, but I try to get my nutrients from their natural source. I do use Nutritional yeast, which is fortified with B12.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet? I love tofu, but I always did, because the texture is so variable, and it takes on the taste of whatever you cook it with. I have yet to buy boxed egg replacer, and substitute egg in any number of ways, depending on what I'm cooking. I do love my almond milk, and will sometimes use a soy creamer in my coffee.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
-I don't regularly need a supplement, but I have vegan supplements in my kitchen, just in case I have a day where I either miss a nutrient or I'm not entirely sure, and then they are there for insurance.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
-I would say I am a 99% vegan, I don't go out to rallies or protest publicly but I try my best to reduce my foot print on the world as best I can.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
-I would say my health has vastly improved since I became vegan. My transition to vegan was for medical reasons. I was diagnosed with digestive issues and with an allergy to dairy and an intolerance to eating meat It was really the only choice. I am lighter, healthier, happier and have much more energy.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
-I did find it hard at first but mostly because I didn't want to change my diet, ( I was a hard core paleo eater before hand) It was slow and steady to figure out what I could and couldn't eat. I started by just taking out dairy products and then over time all the other no no foods out as well.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
-My reasons are health based completely.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
-I don't really plan anymore, I be sure to keep healthy fruit and vegetables in the house, some whole grains, milk alternatives like almond milk. Aside from that I really only pre plan things like making a large thing of lentils or brown rice to have quick access to during the week.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
-Not anymore, my husband is a carnivore and he often eats steak or other meat and I don't ever really feel tempted to have any. It's not that I can't have it just that I don't want to.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
-No more or less than when I was eating paleo, before that my diet was very poor and I was strictly a grab and eat kind of person.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
-When we have date night or we go out it's usually to a place that has thai or asian style food, I find they usually have a great vegan option. Otherwise I simply google the restaurant to see if they have anything I can eat. If not most places have been more than happy to even bring me a vegetable platter. I've never had issues.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
-if you buy vegan junk food it can get expensive fast but if you stick to seasonal fruits and vegetables, bulk nuts and grains I have found it's actually cheaper than eating meat. Since I have gone vegan we have saved (on average) 800 dollars a year on food.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
-I buy almond milk, it's not really for the nutrients I just needed something for my smoothies.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
-I buy tofu regularly (gmo free), almond milk and that's about all I buy that are substitutes.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
-I do take supplements, I have been anemic since before I was vegan so I take a b12, a liquid Iron and because I live in the northern hemisphere I take a vitamin D0 -
Hi Adrian,
You can add me if you would like. I am a RN, recently vegan & interested in your research findings. Here are my answers.
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other? strictly vegan for both ethical & health reasons.
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? More energy, fat loss, lowered blood sugars (the ADA is looking at vegan diets as a way to reverse diabetes and insulin resistance neither of which I have but was heading that way.
Has it improved? yes !!
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet? At first yes until your brain stops craving the animal & dairy products, restaurants can sometimes be difficult.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based? both, I wish I would have watched the documentaries of slaughter houses before I had kids, I would have raised them vegan.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet? Because I am the only vegan in my household at the moment I do plan my own menus & buy different foods for myself. I do tho plan everyday to eat at least 40 grams of fiber, so I plan my food around that.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products? At first the smells, but not having it now your taste buds & even nose changes & the smell of meat cooking sometimes isn't pleasant.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation? Yes because I want to lose weight.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available? I cook ahead of time sometimes like a sweet potato, make a black bean & corn salad, boil an artichoke, veggies in a bag with hummus, fruit.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive? I chose not to buy processed foods if I can help it. I try to make everything from scratch. I find some are more expensive I think because their is less demand for them.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients? yes
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) staples in your diet? I use them occasionally.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). Yes
If so, what for and why? I only take a vitamin B12 supplement daily as strict vegans do not get enough vitamin B12 from their diets usually.
Thank you & good luck with your research paper. Kelly0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Would be considered strict vegan if I didn't occasionally eat honey
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
When I first went vegan, I immediately dropped 10 pounds. My skin is generally better, and I rarely get 'food comas' from anything I eat, and I no longer get any heartburn
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
It's hardest around tradition-related meals like Christmas dinner and such. Otherwise, no.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Vegetarian first for ethics, vegan for health, and now I would consider myself vegan for both.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
I do, but I don't have to.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
I occasionally miss dairy/egg-related products.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
Yes, mainly because I'm on a weight-loss diet.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I live in a very vegan-friendly town. Otherwise, I make sure to eat plenty before going out, or I bring a snack.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Not more expensive than many meat-related items.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
Yes, soy milk, occasionally a protein powder (more for weight loss than vegan-related though), I use nutritional yeast too.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Yes: tofu, seitan, cashew cheese/milk, etc.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I occasionally take a vit. B supplement, sometimes a calcium one.0 -
Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
--Strict vegan for ethical and other reasons.
How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
--Not noticeable difference, to be honest.
Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
--Never, truly.
Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
--Sometimes, yes...such as when eating out.
Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
--I loved the taste of many animal-derived foods such as cheese and peanut butter cups. I have found alternatives for most everything, though!
Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
--Not sure I understand...
What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
--We usually only go places where I can order at least a little something. I often bring my own extras such as vegan sour cream. If I am somewhere with no options I'll have a protein bar.
Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
--Yes! But it's the stuff I shouldn't eat much of anyway so it helps limit me.
Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
--Never intentionally.
Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
--I don't really consider something like almond milk an "animal substitute". But yes, I use these items regularly.
Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
--My iron is perfect as is every other tested item in my most recent extensive blood test. Only thing I take is B12 two times a week or so.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Vegan and gluten free
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
My digestive health has improved tremendously, I have more energy, I feel lighter, I have lost excess weight, I don’t crave junk food as much, my skin is clearer
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Not really, I have found many substitutions for my favorite foods. The most difficult is during my menstrual cycle.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
Yes, I plan menus for the week as far as meals and snacks. I did this before eating vegan, though.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
Yes, I miss Italian beef sandwiches. Other than that, I can make something to taste just as good or even better as any animal product.
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
My kitchen is vegan. I don’t do things much different, if anything, the cleanup is much easier,
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I look at the menu before I go.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
no, its actually cheaper
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
yes. Almond and flax that is fortified; I found a gf cereal that has 15g of iron.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
yes, I eat tofu, temphe, soy yogurt, daiya cheese, coconut milk ice cream, almond and flax milk, use nutritional yeast. All in moderation though. I don’t eat these foods on a regular basis-except the milk- I try getting what I need in more plant based ways.
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I take a b12 supplement 3x a week. –I have read that one of the supplements that vegans need is the b12 since b12 is a major source from animals.
I take a calcium supplement on days I don’t meet my goal.
Best of luck to you!0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Strict Vegan
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
I no longer have heart burn (acid indigestion) (Maybe I was lactose intolerant?)
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Not really, sometimes when out, choices can be limited.
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Ethic (health is a happy side effect)
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
Everyone in Household is Vegan so weeks groceries stay much the same.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
I don;t eat in places that serve meat.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I don't go there.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
A few individual products are, but overall it's cheaper than vegetarian or omni.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
Sometimes take a vegan multi vit, to be sure.0 -
0: Are you are strict vegan, ethical vegan, or strict vegetarian, or other?
Strict Vegan
1. How has your health changed since your transition into veganism? Has it improved?
Yes! I have more energy, my digestive issues have disappeared, my skin is glowing, I require less sleep, I’m more at peace and have better concentration.
Although not quantifiable, these are all health benchmarks that I consider significantly improved.
On a scientific level, my cholesterol has lowered and my migraines have gone away.
2. Is it ever difficult to stick to a vegan diet?
Not really. I am very social and eat out frequently. I never have an issue finding something to eat – I love food!
3. Are you reasons for your diet health based or ethic based?
Although initially prompted to eat Vegan for health, I’ve chose to remain Vegan for ethical reasons.
4. Do you have to plan food in advance in order to maintain your diet?
Somewhat, but I think I’ve always done that. I’ve never relied heavily on processed or prepared foods so I’ve always had a list of dishes I’d make throughout the week.
Not much has changed aside from the fact of removing and/or replacing animal based products with plant based ones.
5. Do you ever miss eating animals or their products?
No, although I still do drool at the smell of BBQ.
Now I grill Portobello Mushrooms instead of burgers or steaks and everyone eats them up!
6. Do you take extra care and consideration into your food preparation?
This question is a bit leading. I think anyone concerned with health or wellness takes care and consideration in their food preparation – regardless of the dietary lifestyle they follow.
That being said, yes I do read labels and avoid animal products and processed foods.
7. What do you do to prepare for eating out, or somewhere where vegan friendly foods may not be available?
I eat out quite a bit and always find an option.
Aside from a fast food/ drive thru, where can’t you find fresh fruits and veggies these days?
Asian, Indian & Mexican restaurants have TONS of options. Italian restaurants are happy to make veggie pastas and pesto flatbreads, and some of the best veggie dishes I’ve had are at steakhouses!
I believe a lot of the preconceptions about eating Vegan and it being ‘tough’ is due to the focus on what we CAN’T or WON’T eat.
Food should bring us together, not divide us. I never pass up on a social event or get together because of my diet.
8. Are some of the food products you buy for your diet expensive?
Not sure … expensive compared to what?
I wasn’t filling my shopping cart with Filet Mignon and Lobster Tails before, so no – if anything my food costs have gone down!
I purchase lots of fruits, veggies, beans and some grains. Nuts can get pricey, but it all evens out.
Just eliminate one item to replace with a healthier option.
At the end of the day I don’t think you can put a price on your health.
Whichever diet you follow you should strive to eat the highest quality, nutrient dense foods available.
9. Do you ever eat fortified foods (ie cereals, soy milk) to help with consuming enough nutrients?
No, I have a varied enough diet that I get all of my nutrients from whole, fresh foods.
10. Are animal substitutes (like tofu, egg replacers, or alternate milk sources) are staple in your diet?
Although Almond Milk is a staple in my pantry, I do not buy meat or egg replacements or the like.
I gave up meat by ethical choice so I don’t really want to eat something with a taste or texture that reminds me of it.
If eating at an Asian restaurant I do enjoy tofu and veggie dishes though!
11. Have you ever resorted to taking supplements to meet your nutritional needs? (For example, iron tablets). If so, what for and why?
I’ve taken a basic multivitamin daily for years and have continued to do so through my transition to Veganism.
I have also added a raw, vegan B-Complex vitamin although that has been preventative, not due to any deficiencies.
Best of luck with your project!0