How many of you are set at 1200 Calories a day?

atuchon Posts: 234 Member
MFP has me set at 1200 calories a day. I have read a few places on here that pretty much nobody should be set to that and you should up your calories and you will lose more. Anyone else wondering if they should do that? I've been pretty consistent with losing a pound a week and I just changed my food quite a bit so I will probably be seeing better results. I was just curious if any of you are also eating 1200 a day!


  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    Are you talking total calories or net calories? I am somewere between 1200-1600 total calories. I do not even come close to eating my exercise calories back but I do believe in a lot of the information that is posted in the In place of a road map post on this site . However I believe this should be more followed as you get closer to a healthy body fat% or are hitting a hard platue. I think everyones body reacts different to how it deals with a calorie deficit and that someone like me that started at close to 500 lbs can eat at a huge deficit without disturbing the bodies natural MBR. Since I got the BodyMedia 1 month ago and can track my actual calories burned for the entire day more accuratly I have been staying around a 3000-3500 calorie deficit per day and have been steadily losing 7 pounds a week. I know this will not stay true and as I get closer to being in the lower 300's I will probably have to start eating a bit more to keep from hitting a wall. I believe the biggest thing is that if you are at a stall in loss it is good to change things up and try to trick your body into thinking it is getting what it wants.
  • amcmikel
    amcmikel Posts: 35 Member
    When I first started I was set at 1200 but everyone said that wasnt enough that I needed at least 1500.Ive been at it for a couple of months till about a week ago and bumped it up to 1630.I try to do at least 45 min of cardio a day,I dont know if what I am doing is right or not.I just do it!I have to make myself do strength training.I guess because Im not at the gym.It was easier last year when I did go, I just dont want to do it here at home.
  • AliandTrev
    AliandTrev Posts: 194 Member
    I stick right around 1200, if I do exercise I eat some of those calories back.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    I stick right around 1200, if I do exercise I eat some of those calories back.

    Same here.:smile:
  • amcmikel
    amcmikel Posts: 35 Member
    I dont eat any calories back.I stay as close to the 1630 allowed no matter how much I exercise.:wink:
  • LeahKRayas
    LeahKRayas Posts: 68 Member
    Right now my calories are set to 1200. When I first started on MFP I read a lot in the forums about 1200 calories a day being way too low and putting your body into "starvation mode". I am not very active right now, other than what exercise I manage to make myself do during the week, I mostly just chase after my 11 1/2 mth old son, clean my house, cook, read, play with my older girls and whatever else I feel like doing that particular day. Like I said not very active. I hate the cold so during the winter I just hide in my house like a hermit lol. I am usually very active during the warmer months. Anyway I am not hungry during the day and I will never believe that I am in starvation mode :) and I see no point in eating more. I just limit the ammount of calories I eat but not necessarily the ammount of food I eat :) lots of low calorie foods
    I have been doing this since January and have lost 35+ lbs. As long as it's working I have absolutely no intention of changing things
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    Yes, 1200 total calories. I have been to that link mentioned and it is overwhelming and just confuses me so not much help! When I exercise I do eat most of my calories back though.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I tried 1200 cal but I found I would become really hungry in between meals so I would try to snack and would end up over my calories. I now have it at 1600 and am happier and losing weight and it wasn't as stressful, but I am also active.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Yesterday I changed all my settings I upped my cals to 1400, Carbs..40%, Protein..30%, Fat..30%. We'll see what happens.:smile:
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    Yesterday I changed all my settings I upped my cals to 1400, Carbs..40%, Protein..30%, Fat..30%. We'll see what happens.:smile:

    That's what I have my carbs, protein and fat at as well :)