Newbie with alot to lose

Hello Everyone!
I am Heather and I live in the Grand Rapids area. I have over 100lbs to lose, and just restarted my journey. My original weight lose journey ended in 2009 with a 45lb loss. Since then I have regained 20 of it, now weighing 263.6. I have PCOS, and no metabolism because I have issues unintentionally waiting till I am starving to eat, and then I eat like crazy person. I will go all day and not eat and eat a lot at night. I often have alarms on my phone to remind me to eat something.

Last week I started to pay more attention to what I was eating and upped water intake (another issue I have, I don't drink). I did not lose, but today I started logging my food, and setting activity goals daily.

I am a very positive person most of the time, we all have those days of course, and I am looking for friends to be losers with!


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Hi Heather,

    Your experience is one that many has had some familarity with, so hopefully you will find success here. Just a few things to keep in mind, and it sounds like you've learned this:

    You have to eat to lose weight. Long-term calorie deficit diets actually make it harder to lose weight. So let My Fitness Pal help you in determining how many calories you need on a daily basis. And set short term goals (1 lbs. a week). If you're doing a great job of logging your food/drinks, then you'll probably lose a bit more than that. Commit to a gradual reduction of calories so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode and shut down your metabolism. Try to re-allocate some of your calories from protein sources rather than carb sources (but don't cut carbs out all-together). And add in some regular activity, and you're on the path that most people who have successfully lost weight have been on.

    Good luck to you!
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks a bunch for your tips Chris :)
  • logiraysmom
    logiraysmom Posts: 4 Member
    Add me;) I am only about 45 min from you!!
  • nancswa
    nancswa Posts: 3
    Nice to see you trying again. Know a few others that forget to eat. Welcome to MFP and hope that it helps you on your journey. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    I am doing well so far thanks to alarms and constant mental reminders :)
  • Preesy
    Preesy Posts: 37
    Hi Heather,

    I've been more or less at my journey for about a year now. I've lost about 80 pounds, and still have around 90 to go. If I can do anything to help you out just let me know. If you're looking for friends to add, you're welcome to add me too! Best wishes on your journey. You can make it!
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Hey Heather,

    I'm in Grand Rapids and have 45 lbs to lose. Youlighter is also in Grand Rapids and has I forget how much to lose. When the weather gets nicer, we're going to start running together. You're welcome to add either or both of us if you would like. We would both love more friends to journey with.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks ladies!
  • berrieblu
    berrieblu Posts: 15 Member
    hey lady! i'm a bit north of you, but i also have PCOS and problems with forgetting to eat all day. :) the alarms idea is a good one. glad you're here!


  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    Good Luck From another West Michigander. :drinker:

    You can do it!!
  • webdevsoup
    webdevsoup Posts: 384 Member
    feel free to add me as well. GR here, with about 40 lbs to lose. :)
  • stefd1980
    stefd1980 Posts: 2
    Hello! I'm in Grand Rapids too! I have about 50 to lose. Feel free to add me. I'm looking for someone to go walk/run with!