9 Week Prep Program Results (PICS)

rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
edited January 20 in Social Groups
Hey Ya'll,
Here are my results from the 9 week turbofire prep program. I chose to do the prep program because I had just had my first baby 3 months prior and my blood pressure got so high during my pregnancy that I was pretty much house ridden sitting in a chair all day for the last month....and wasn't allowed to do barely any exercise that is worth calling exercise throughout my entire pregnancy. Needless to say I felt a bit out of shape...so I wanted to start a bit slower.

Anyways I started on MFP Februrary 1st and started the program the same day. In the 9 week time frame I lost 15.2 lbs and 8 inches in total off my bust, waist, hips, and thighs. (Gained some guns though.) Also in that time frame I have gone from a resting heart rate consistently in the 90's to it being consistently in the 60's...so lots of conditioning there....and my blood pressure is to the point where I can almost be off my meds completely (have already lowered the does once in the past 2 months). So just wanted to share that if you feel you need to start a bit slower you can and work your way up...and you will still get results!!

Anyways...here are the pictures! Not a huge difference but I definitely see some of one so it keeps me positive and pushing forward! I have already dove right into the 12 week program and am so glad I started this journey!!

[img]http://i1337.photobucket.com/albums/o664/rachpetersen/Used Exercise Pics/bdd1dbd4-a727-4b4e-ad15-ee4db8fd9552_zps7938d4f0.jpg[/img]


  • marta07
    marta07 Posts: 79 Member
    Congrats hun . I cant see ur pics tho
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    that should have fixed it!!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    What a great accomplishment with the Prep program. Congratulations! You look great!
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    Way to go! Awesome results!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Great results!

    Look how different your top looks in the last back picture!

    Enjoy the 12-week programme :)
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    thanks everyone!! so happy people actually see a difference. I know I definitely feel different!! So excited to really get into the HIIT workouts in the coming week! Week 1 is going easy on me but I know it will get crazy and I can't wait!!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    look at that shrinking belly and booty!! Nice work! And congrats on getting closer to being off your BP meds! What a huge accomplishment!
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    Fantastic job!! You are the incredible shrinking woman!
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