Pick one goal for the week and stick to it!



  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Susan Jean -- you're showing your age with the go-go dancing!
    I estimate many don't know what you're talking about!

    Sigh, the 60s.... (hey, I can sigh, I was born in the 60s!)
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Oh,good grief. I am showing my age. 60's were great!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    OK, here's the deal.....
    My weekly goals for 4/7 to 4/13:

    Cardio/30 minutes - 6x week
    Strength training/30 minutes (2lb weight ball DVD) - 3x week
    Ab training/10 minute (Pilate resistance band DVD) - 3x week
    Yoga training/30 minute - 2x week

    Cardio -- must do 3 more that means today, Friday and Saturday.
    Strength -- I must do Friday & Saturday to make goal.
    Ab - must do 1 more
    Yoga -- must do.... haven't done 1x yet. Yikes!

    SO, it's a push to dedicate myself to finish the week off by meeting goal.
    There's been distractions at home and that did get me off target.

    Did do strength and pilates this morning before work.
    I'll do cardio and yoga DVD later. Cardio isn't an issue today. Yoga -- I must push away any distraction and do.

    Friday may be full of distractions and to make goal I must do cardio and strength.
    Saturday - H2B is working all day so I can do all planned exercises w/o issues.
    Might have to double sessions on Saturday if Friday gets away from me.

    I have NO exercise goals set for 4/14 to 4/20 since I'll be on vacation.
    I'll bring the dietitian's worksheets with me so I can attempt to say on target for carb, protein, fat, and vegetables per meal.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Super,great goals. You inspire me. I'm going to get off of the computer and do my new yoga,ballet moves and then do the 5 mile power walk.Gave myself a rest day,yesterday,and it's back to it for me. Thanks for getting me fired up! Have a great day,everyone :smile: