Challenging But the Results Are Worth It All

DebReddin Posts: 26 Member
I have totally change my mind set about eating, and wanting to be healthier. This week had been challenging, but thanks be to God I made it through I found myself wanting to eat when I had become stressed about things, but I changed that! I hope that you ladies are fighting through It's all worth it at the end.


  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Definitely takes a change in how we view nutrition and exercise to make any needed improvements. I look at this journey as a lifelong deadlines to meet....just learning to be consistent and patient with day at a time becomes one week then one month...then years start to roll on. Then you have established a healthy habit....that is and has been my ultimate goal! Wishing each of you great success and feel free to add me as a friend. One can never have enough positive support on this journey.
  • DebReddin
    DebReddin Posts: 26 Member
    Thanx for the encouragement. I'm new to this; so how do I add you as a friend?
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I agree, we have to change our mindset toward food. I also figured out that I am an emotional, when I'm stressed out, food is where I turn. Although I've gotten better and as much as possible put exercise in that place of emotional eating, its still a struggle!! Wishing you the best on this journey and if you need support add me.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Deb, we are MFP friends now!!
  • fattobad
    fattobad Posts: 11
    I just started back losing and I just have found it easier to set short goals instead of the total because it helps me stay encouraged. My first goal is to lose 5% of my weight, I learned this concept when I was doing weight watchers.
  • ccole5200
    ccole5200 Posts: 10 Member
    I am an emotional eater also and it can be any emotion happy, sad, stressed just whatever, Trying to replace eating junk with healthy stuff and that is working great but the real challenge is replacing it with water which I don't drink enough of and it does make me feel full. I will just keep trying because the results are going to be"worth it all."
  • ccole5200
    ccole5200 Posts: 10 Member
    The concept of breaking down goals into smaller more attainable goals that will eventual hit the ultimate goal mark makes a lot of sense to me thanks for putting this on here what a great idea.
  • ccole5200
    ccole5200 Posts: 10 Member
    I really don't know how to use MFP all that well but it helps me be more accountable regarding my weight, what I put in my mouth, my activity level things like that and that is awesome. I thought there would be some motivation here also, but that doesn't seem to be the case again that could be my lack of not knowing how to use this tool correctly. Regardless, I wish everyone the best in reaching that weight/fitness goal. For me so far I try to keep in mind that GOD wants me to be a healthy, happy daughter at a weight that is pleasing unto him that doesn't cause me stress and at present my weight is causing me stress.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I really don't know how to use MFP all that well but it helps me be more accountable regarding my weight, what I put in my mouth, my activity level things like that and that is awesome. I thought there would be some motivation here also, but that doesn't seem to be the case again that could be my lack of not knowing how to use this tool correctly. Regardless, I wish everyone the best in reaching that weight/fitness goal. For me so far I try to keep in mind that GOD wants me to be a healthy, happy daughter at a weight that is pleasing unto him that doesn't cause me stress and at present my weight is causing me stress.

    You need to add friends to get the support..the boards are ok but the day to day support comes from your MFP friends. I sent you a request, and anyone feel free to add me! :smile:
  • ccole5200
    ccole5200 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, I added you as a friend and I will request some more friends also