Yoga and SL

My gym offers yoga classes twice a week, and I went to my first one today...loved it!

My question is, when you do both yoga and SL, do you do both on the same day? And would it be more appropriate to do my lifting before or after the yoga class? My thinking was the stretching would be a nice warmup for the lifts, but I was messing around some bodybuilding forum earlier, trying to find some opinions on this, and they all seemed to think intense stretching before lifting was basically going to make you unable to lift anything that weighed more than a kitten. And also you would probably die. To death.


  • Amazing1985RSD
    These days I prefer restorative yoga over power yoga because of the intensity that can be entailed with power yoga. Even then I prefer to only do it on my off days. I think the poses that require isometric quad strength hinders recovery. I tried power yoga right before my workout once and couldn't even do my squats. I won't be doing that again.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I always do mine after lifting. The stretch always feels so good. I will do a few poses on off days if I am feeling particularly tight somewhere, but I usually try to aim for at least 20 mins after my lifting.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I always do yoga for 20 or so minutes right before lifting, because at my age I have to get things loosened up a bit before I can move these weights around safely without tweaking things (I still tweak things here and there, but a lot LESS). It's my warmup/stretching combined and it works well for me.

    There's no one size fits all answer here, really. I'm not worried about being able to deadlift 300 pounds either, so to me it doesn't really matter what top weights I can get to or whatever.

    I use the foam roller after.

    I definitely wouldn't recommend doing power yoga before lifting. I just do a basic hatha routine that's mostly focused on stretching and limbering up, especially my spine, a pose that stabilizes my ankles, and a couple that strengthen my spinal erectors. I don't do warrior poses or planks or anything. My yoga is there to assist my lifting nowadays.