New mommy looking for old me

peachypants Posts: 34 Member
Hello ladies!
I just joined hoping to find some inspiration as well as someone to relate to!
I had a beautiful baby girl 3 weeks ago and I'm excited and scared to death of the journey I have ahead. My pre-pregnancy weight was 170. I gained a total of 65 lbs during the longest, most rewarding 9 months of my life. I dropped 22 lbs my first 2 weeks pp. but with my weight gain, I've gone up almost 5 dress sizes. It's frustrating and it saddens me that i let my self get that out of control. However, it's pure motivation to find my old self again. ( or at least a newer, better mommy version of me! )
I am currently breast feeding and at least walking about 3 miles 3-4 times every week until I'm cleared for more strenuous exercise. Endorphins were my drug of choice prior to pregnancy. I'm really not sure why or when I gave up.
also, I'm returning to my full time job in 3 weeks and am somehow going to juggle family time, exercise and work and healthy eating. I'm I crazy for thinking I can do that? Feel free to add me. I'm looking forward to hearing your success stories as well as your struggles.


  • juliehuestis
    juliehuestis Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! It's such an up and down journey. I also gained a significant amount of weight, and managed to hang on to some extra between all the pregnancies. (3). I am having some good success with logging everything and keeping myself accountable. I have sent you a friend request.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome, mama!

    This site is a great place to hold yourself accountable as well as get great support. I'm a full time working mama with 2 little ones. You can do this! Just be consistent with your logging and you'll do great! Feel free to add me and anyone else who might need support.
  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member

    You can do this! Just be kind to yourself - you've done an amazing job growing a baby and now your body needs to be rewarded with love. Slow and steady!