Bag End to Rivendell (397 Miles)



  • ZeonDax
    ZeonDax Posts: 10 Member
    Walk Circut & Shopping (3M) total 18
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    I just started Wednesday and finally made it to the Green Dragon. I am a bit slow and only get in about 2 miles a day. :happy: I probably won't make it to Rivendell until October and The lonely mountain sometime next year but it's about the adventure, right?:laugh:
  • travelbug002
    travelbug002 Posts: 61 Member
    Well, I actually started walking yesterday (made 3.5 miles) but today I wiped out on the cement and took out my knee. I guess I'll just have to camp out for a week or so until the swelling goes down and I can move my knee more than an inch in any direction. I am going to view this as a minor setback and will resume my journey as soon as physically able.
  • Nyingje
    Nyingje Posts: 13
    Just got started calculating. I walk at least 3 miles every day. Usually at twice that. So now I need to start keeping track to see how far I go.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    2.66 for Thursday
    7.07 for Friday

    54.40 miles to Bag End...Sunset makes the ride even darker.
  • ZeonDax
    ZeonDax Posts: 10 Member
    Cleaned house and did "Dance Party" for 45 minutes...2.5 miles according to my pedometer reading. For a total of 20.5 miles.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    8.45 miles for Saturday

    45.95 miles to Bag End...decided to go straight to Hobbiton. Heading west on the Road. Grey, but calm.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,308 Member
    Friday: 1.67 km
    Saturday: 5.06 km
    Sunday: 8.04 km

    Total: 65.48 km (40.68 miles)

    Only a few miles till Brandywine Bridge left...
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Total = 18.5 miles (Updated: 4/14)
    This Week = 9.5 miles

    So far it's been a good journey.

    Sidenote: This is also a good way to the keep track of your shoe's miles. The 500 Mile Limit = Replace Every 3 to 6 Months.

    The typical athletic shoe is only built to last 350 to 500 miles. While walkers are not pounding their shoes as hard as runners, you are unlikely to still get good support and cushioning past 500 miles. Your weight is also a factor -- the more you weigh, the faster your shoes will wear out. If you are walking 30 minutes a day, or an average of 3 to 4 hours a week, replace your shoes every six months. If you are walking 60 minutes a day or an average of 7 hours a week, replace your shoes every three months.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    7.57 miles walked today

    38.38 miles to Bag End...See smoke rising in several places, especially in Woody End to the south.
  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    I walked 12.65 miles in the last 5 days. I stopped at Frogmorton and am on my way to the trees of Woody End.
  • thatonepersonfromtheinternet
    1 week in - 24.2 miles. On the Road headed east right now.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    5.65 miles yesterday
    7.49 miles today

    25.24 miles to Bag End...Left for Bywater at 10:00 a.m. Merry makes Shirriffs march in front.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,308 Member
    13.11 km since the weekend.

    Total: 78.59 km (48.83 miles)

    I just crossed the Brandywine bridge!
  • xynyth
    xynyth Posts: 89 Member
    43 miles today (total), almost to the Brandywine bridge :D
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    8.1 miles total. Made it to the great East Road.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    Walked 3.02 miles yesterday
    Walked 6.67 miles today

    15.55 miles to Bag End...Turned northwest on Bywater Road. High banks with hedges rise on each side. Almost to Bywater
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Heading back...

    7.50 miles today

    8.05 miles to Bag End...There was a mileage mess-up along the way and yesterday we were at the Three-Farthing Stone. We left the Shirriffs behind. Today we are on Bywater Road.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,308 Member
    Sunday, 21.4.:
    Total 89,82 km (55.69 miles)

    I can already see the Old Forest in the south.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    8.05 miles for Saturday and Sunday...

    We reached Bag End with a large party of hobbits. Frodo confronted Saruman. Wormtongue slays Saruman, and is killed by hobbits.