And Back Again (967 Miles)



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    16.50 miles today

    317.64 miles -- Road swings southeast through open country. Ahead on hills of the Trollshaws, can now see "old castles with an evil look." Camp.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    2.42 miles Tuesday
    3.44 miles Wednesday
    2.83 miles Thursday
    5.25 miles today

    331.58 miles -- No path through the trees. Reach fire: TROLLS. Company captured. Gandalf keeps trolls arguing until dawn. Sun turns them to stone.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    15.68 miles today

    347.26 miles -- some miles back we followed the trail with Gandalf to Troll-hole. Found swords for Thorin and Gandalf. Bilbo took blade. We collected the gold and returned to to the fire. We continued down the path and reached the Road then buried the gold and continued east.The road turned southeast and skirted hills of the Trollshaws. We camped then left early, making haste. We'll enter the woods in a short distance and continue east on the road.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    7.36 miles today

    354.62 miles -- Woods run into the valley on north. Pass out-thrust 'toe' of a hill.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    4.50 miles Monday
    9.50 miles today

    368.62 miles -- Can see ruins on hilltop to the north. South of the Road, ravine of the Bruinen comes close. Road turns NE.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    1.50 miles Wednesday
    4.50 miles Thursday
    6.50 miles today

    381.12 miles -- Continue northeast. Road hugs feet of the Trollshaws. Cross a small stream. Road bends more northeast. The steep ravine of the Bruinen also runs east-northeast not far to the south. Continue east-northeast along road. Ride very quickly.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Sat - 5.28 miles
    Sun - 5.47 miles
    Mon - 5.13 miles

    Mon 2.42 miles
    Tues 6.82 miles
    Wed 2.90 miles
    Thurs - 2.31 miles
    Fri - 7.84 miles

    397 miles -- after camping at Ford of Bruinen we crossed. Gandalf searched out the path. rode carefully. Path ran next to a steep gully on the left. On the east, a deep ravine held a waterfall. Came to a sudden cliff into the valley of Rivendell. Rode slowly down the zig-zag path. Pines cling tot the upper slopes, beech and oak below. Lead the ponies across the narrow bridge over the upper Bruinen. Reach the 'Last Homely House' in Rivendell!!

    On to Lonely Mountain...

    22.29 miles -- Left Rivendell, camped in the foothills - Ponies. Continue in the foothills - Ponies. Climb steadily - Four miles per day.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Sat the 22nd thru Thurs the 27th -- 20.37 miles

    42.66 miles -- Still in the foothills, climbing steadily - Ponies.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Fri - 7.51
    Sat - 7.77
    Sun - 2.25
    Mon - 15.54

    75.73 miles - Tremendous Thunder-battle in afternoon. Shelter in cave. Goblins capture us.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Tues - 16.94
    Wed - 1.81
    Thurs - 9.40

    104.88 miles -- After Gandalf rescued us, he made light. Dwarves carries Bilbo. Then Gandalf and Thorin fought off the Goblins. The Goblins attacked and we accidentally left Bilbo behind. He walked in the dark then began to crawl. He finds the ONE RING. He pulled out his sword for light and trotted along the passage.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Fri - 10.01

    114.89 miles -- Bilbo had unknowingly passes passage to 'Back Door.' and reached Gollum's Lake.Riddle Contest. Bilbo followed Gollum back up the passage. Gollum blocked the entrance to the tunnel to Back Door. Bilbo jumps over him, reaches the 'Back Door,' and escaped. Goblins followed Bilbo a short distance into the upland valley
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Sat - 9.74
    Sun - 1.61
    Mon - 2.98
    Tue - 16.43
    Wed - 16.77

    162.42 miles -- Bilbo left upland valley on the trail w/cliff on left, drop-off on the right. He finds us and Gandalf in the dell below the trail. We crossed a stream and followed a trail that lead to the top of a landslide. We slipped sideways in the stones to reach the bottom of the landslide then go east to the Pine forest. In the clearing we heard wolves and climb the trees. WARG ATTACK. Eagles rescue us and take us to their Eyrie. We sleep there.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Thur - 7.36
    Fri - 2.43
    Sat - 7.58

    179.79 miles -- Eagles are flying us to The Carrock..
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain...

    Sun - 8.09
    Mon - 16.73
    Tues - 17.02
    Wed - 2.52
    Thurs - 2.79

    226.94 miles -- Eagles flew Company to Carrock. Reached Beorn's house and stayed the night. Left early afternoon and rode north. Now riding through grasslands west of Mirkwood.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Fri -- 6.45
    Sat - 17.79
    Sun - 14.62
    Mon - 15.24
    Tue - 2.35
    Wed - 2.77
    Thur - 15.68

    301.84 miles -- On Forest Trail in Mirkwood.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Thu - 14.68
    Fri - 3.07
    Sat - 3.23
    Sun - 5.50
    Mon - 15.44
    Tues - 16.88
    Wed - 15.86
    Thu - 2.52
    Fri - 6.15
    Sat - 5.73 Aug 3rd

    390.90 miles -- On Forest Trail in Mirkwood -- 22.1 miles to the Enchanted River.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Sun - 6.89
    Mon - 5.13
    Tues - 0.46 (under the weather)
    Wed - 1.13 (sick)
    Thurs - 0.0 (sick)
    Fri - 1.0 (sick)
    Sat - 0.69 (sick) Aug 10th

    406.20 miles -- On Forest Trail in Mirkwood -- 6.8 miles to the Enchanted River.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Sun - 3.03
    Mon - 6.19
    Tues - 6.94
    Wed - 3.0
    Thurs - 3.23
    Fri - 2.67
    Sat - 5.66

    433.89 miles -- After 143 miles on Forest Trail, we reached the Enchanted River. Then crossed by boat. Bombur fell in the water and immediately fell asleep and had to be carried. On Forest Trail for another 12 miles before we walked through open beech-woods for another 6 miles, this took much of the day.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    On to Lonely Mountain

    Sun - 6.90 -- 08/18
    Mon - 3.11
    Tues - 3.04
    Wed - 7.06
    Thurs - 5.06
    Fri - 3.58
    Sat - 6.94 -- 08/24

    469 miles -- Bilbo climbed a tree but could see nothing because it is in the bottom of a bowl. We camped and ate the last of the food. Bombur wakes and is okay. Rained all the next day. We had no food. We see three Elves fires when The Elves capture Thorin. Dwarves scattered and were captured by spiders. Bilbo is left alone. Kills spider. Swoons. Wakes during the morning and names his sward: STING. Bilbo finds dwarves cocooned and rescues them. He draws the spiders away. Dwarves are almost captured when Bilbo returns and fights the spiders. Spiders give up. We camp. Elves capture us. Bilbo uses the ring and disappears. Elves take us to Elvenking Thranduil's Caverns. Bilbo follows. He searches each Dwarf's cell until he finds Thorin. They come up with an escape plan. We all climb in the barrels and float down the Forest River. We've leave the trees of Mirkwood.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    08/25 - 6.86 - Sun
    08/26 - 5.63
    08/27 - 5.57
    08/28 - 1.84
    08/29 - 2.84
    08/30 - 6.08
    08/31 - 8.09
    09/01 - 6.06

    511.97 miles -- Reached the huts of the Raft-elves. Dwarves were still in the barrels. Bilbo was huddles nearby wearing the Ring. It was his 50th b'day. Wood-elves tied barrels into the raft. Bilbo rode invisible. Reached a marshy area. Bilbo saw the Lonely Mountain. Reached Lake-town where Bilbo freed the dwarves. Entered town. Stayed in Lake-town for 15 days. On the last day, Thorin requested supplies. Left in three boats. Camped at the mouth of River Running. Rowing upstream against the current. Will camp soon.