New and seeking Motivation and advice!! :)

BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
I am new to this group though not new to MFP. My situation: I joined while pregnant with my first and it took me about 9 month after I had him to get back to UNDER my pre-pregnancy weight. I got my abs back and felt great! He is now 16 month and I am 11 weeks pregnant with baby number 2. :) I am VERY tired with this one. I wasn't working when I was pregnant with my first and I am working, plus I take my son to work as well (I am a nanny, a tutor, and a piano teacher, so it allows me to bring my son). I don't know if that is why I am more tired? Anyways, I want to stay in great shape so that after I have this baby, I can loose the weight even faster, plus I think being in great shape with my first really helped my labor. I was only in the hospital for 3 hours before I had him naturally. It was an over all really short birth.

I am looking for motivation. I want to do cardio at least 3 days a week with abs and legs on alternating days. Doing my leg workouts isn't that hard for me to keep up with. I think because it doesn't take a lot for me to feel it working. With my ab workouts, because I worked on them so hard, I rarely feel sore the next day doing what I'm doing now and soon I won't be able to do most of the workouts. I could use advice and motivation to get past the exhaustion and keep up with my workout routine. I've gained 2-3 pounds so far which isn't too bad I guess?

Thanks for any help. :)
