Well I failed today

SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
I got stressed with work and comfort ate. I under ate by 800 calories yesterday. Today I ate all that back plus more :-(

When I went to the gym, I was too full for a proper workout.

Very disappointed in myself.


  • aimeelouise79
    aimeelouise79 Posts: 30 Member
    Absolutely not, you have not failed!

    Everyone here knows how hard it is to resist when that urge to binge just takes over....it's going to be a long, slow process getting to the point where we will have complete control over that, it's a massive battle every day and you shouldn't underestimate that. So, please be gentle with yourself...punishment won't help you get back on the horse, kindness and forgiveness WILL.

    Think about all you have achieved...every single day you don't binge is a victory, you have plenty of those under your belt! Plus there is no such thing as a bad workout! You went, which shows how great your intentions are (plus, still looked like a pretty kickass burn by my standards!)

    All is not lost, this is a minor setback at best. The great thing about tomorrow is you get another chance to succeed :)
    (P.S. if you ever want to rant it out to someone before you get to the point of bingeing, please feel free to message! I might not be able to do anything to help but I'm always happy to listen..or read? lol) :) xx
  • aimeelouise79
    aimeelouise79 Posts: 30 Member
    I meant to say a minor setback at WORST! Got so carried away trying to be encouraging I did a typo >_<
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    I completely understand how you feel! I've been unable to get to the gym this week due to work deadlines as well. The best thing you can do for yourself is to accept that it happened and move on! Starving yourself the next day is only setting you up for an even bigger binge the following day.

    Every day isn't going to be perfect, but as long as you remember what you truly want (healthier eating patterns), it'll help move you in the right direction. Good luck :smile:
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Every day isn't going to be perfect, but as long as you remember what you truly want (healthier eating patterns), it'll help move you in the right direction. Good luck :smile:


    Stay in the right mindset. Guilt will only trigger you to binge again. Undereating can definitely catch up on me, maybe you have learned it isn't exactly the best way to avoid future binges. I don't know. Hope today is going better for you!
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    You just take one day at a time my love. We never FAIL until we stop TRYING! We just have to get up everyday with the intention of being healthy and happy and see where it leads us. Some days are better than others. We're here for you!! xoxox