introducing myself

Hello All, My name is Maria Zielyk I live in West Orange, NJ have been with ML 5 yrs in June can't wait to add Senior to Registered Client Associate. In the past several years I have been doing a lot of running with my neighbor buddy but the last three months its been hard to connect a couple of times a week and found myself gaining 5 lbs. So my new objective is to run more since spring has sprung in NJ. Hopefully, I will have lots of support to lose 15 lbs and get to my ideal weight of 125 in the coming months. Love to hear from you sister CAs out in the country. Have a great weekend, Maria:smooched:


  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome Maria. It was definitely a good feeling adding Senior to my title. I just added CSNA last week. Fairly easy course work in myHR and extremely interesting material.

    The East coast certainly got hammered the second half of the winter. I was still running outside into February. Then all the winter storms started to nail us and the sidewalks were under three feet of snow! Netflix and On Demand have some pretty decent workout videos for days when you can't get out for a run.

    MFP made it all click for me. I'd been going to the gym at work for years, but still struggled with the same five pounds. With MFP, I dropped that five plus another five and have kept it off for a year. You can do it too! We will all cheer each other on.
  • mzielyk
    mzielyk Posts: 4
    thank you Lori for the encouring words, the CSNA title do i need preapproval from management?