The Purple Team Loft !

marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
Welcome Purple Team !

This is where you will socialize, meet and greet, get to know eachother, do challenges here in your loft ! Make sure that you get to know eachother !


  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello There!! Let's do this. When do we officially start??

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    So getting lesson from last challenge to keep us motiated we have begun our 20 week challenge(counting this 0 week).

    For many of us, this is a clean slate of getting back on track! For the WEEK O challenge, I thought we might take it BACK TO BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on drinking water and cooking ! I know that this is not the easiest thing for all of us to do .
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi purple Team I a happy to be apart of this team. Please feel free to add me as a friend. My name is Cylinda30 :drinker:
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Hello Purple team!! I am your team captain! A bit about me...
    I am 26 years old and a law student. I am getting married in June and would love to weight around 130. (thats 9 lbs to lose!) I am so excited that I have been able to meet my goals as when I got engaged I weighed close to 165 (my heaviest).

    I would love feedback from you guys. Would you prefer set times that I should post things? Mini challenges? etc? Let me know! Please add me :)
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Purple Team,

    My name is Michelle and I am 29 years old. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. In highschool, I was at my heaviest (210lbs) I have used MFP for about 3 years now. When beginning MFP, I weighed about 182lbs. I now weigh 147lbs and I think I would like to lose 17 more pounds. Really, I want to tone up, and if I stayed my current weight and lost inches, that would be ok. I am going to continue to do cardio, but also focus on using weights. I found that if I do not log, I gain weight back. My lowest was 140lbs I lost all of my original weight (182lbs) by logging, exercising, and joining a challenge via MFP.

    I really like the exercise/mini challenges.

    I have three children (girls) and one dog. I recently graduated with my MBA.
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello Purple team!! I am your team captain! A bit about me...
    I am 26 years old and a law student. I am getting married in June and would love to weight around 130. (thats 9 lbs to lose!) I am so excited that I have been able to meet my goals as when I got engaged I weighed close to 165 (my heaviest).

    I would love feedback from you guys. Would you prefer set times that I should post things? Mini challenges? etc? Let me know! Please add me :)

    Posting by Sunday night would work for me. I like to plan out my days of the week on Sunday night.
  • karategirl2013
    HI everyone - My name is Ilana. I'm 42 years old, married, with 2 kids (7 year old girl, 3 year old boy). I live in Ancaster, Ontario (just outside of Toronto, Ontario).

    I need to lose about 40 lbs. I've taken off 5 lbs already since I started tracking and doing my exercise videos again. My goal weight is 130 lbs. More important for me though is feeling fit and healthy (in mind, body and spirit) and having energy (especially needed with 2 young, very active kids). I train in karate (hence my username) and as I am now in the advanced belt levels the physical demands required of me are that much higher. In about 1.5 years I will be testing for my black belt (one of my lifetime personal goals) and I want to be in the best shape of my life for that.

    In addition to karate, I love yoga, pilates, cycling and Jillian Michaels workout videos. I am on week 3 of her Body Revolution 12-week video program. I did the program last summer/fall - loved it - and while I got in a lot better shape I didn't have my eating under control. I finally feel like I'm in a frame of mind now where I am ready to take it all on.

    I'm really looking forward to this challenge, being part of a team, getting to know you all, being motivated by you and helping to motivate you.

  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Hey Purple Team,

    I'm Monet 26 I'm in Temple Hills, MD but will be moving to my new house next month in Waldorf, MD. yay home owner!!!
    I have a son he just turned 2 and he's a ball of energy that I know i need to be able to keep up with. my heaviest was 250 I'm down 44 lbs so far my goal is around 130. I'm excited about this Challange. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all:

    I am Jennifer. I have 3 kids and work full time. Like most everyone I know I am busy busy busy. I am hoping our group will keep me motivated to stay on the path to losing the 25 pounds I put back on. Yes, I had it gone and it crept its way back again. Oh well. At least I know I can lose it. LOL.

    Feel free to add me as your fitness pal friend. I would love to see how everyone is doing on a daily basis and I feel it would give me the push I need to do good too.

    Let's do this! Good luck to us all!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Good morning my Lovelies

    I am back to keep you going ;)

    this challenge is from monday

    Pre-game challege 0 week Exercise challenge 04/15 - 04/22 ( 22nd its the our official D day)
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am glad to see a lot of familiar faces from our last team.
    For those of you I don't know yet my name is Bridget I am 24 years old and from MA. I have been on MFP for about a year now and have lost about 45 pounds since using this site and starting my lifestyle change. Since being on MFP I have completed in and hosted several challenges. I hope this challenge will be just as motivating as the others. Feel free to add me as a friend or send me a message if you need any additional support or encouragement.

    I may not be as active as I want to be this week as I just caught a cold this weekend and am trying to fight it off as much as possible. I hope that an extra long (but mild) gym session will help my body refocus and start to fight off this cold!

    Happy Marathon Monday everyone!!! =)
  • fitTomika
    fitTomika Posts: 10 Member
    Hay Team my name is Tomika weighn in at 289
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! This weeks pre game challenge is to drink as much water as possible and to cook something ith 2 veggies. Take a picture and the winning team gets a 2lb challenge! That would be incredible. :) Anyone have tips to get in more water? I like to make sure I have a water bottle with me at all times. That way I can fill up when I need to.
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Also fun there is a place to post before pics!!! I think we should all do it. It'll be great to look back and see how far we've all come!
  • alil2loveab1e
    alil2loveab1e Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone I am new to the Challenge my name is Rose I am 188 and have a goal to get rid of 58LBs total 15 - 20 of that to be gone by my Birthday May 12th. Good luck and happy losing to all.
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! This weeks pre game challenge is to drink as much water as possible and to cook something ith 2 veggies. Take a picture and the winning team gets a 2lb challenge! That would be incredible. :) Anyone have tips to get in more water? I like to make sure I have a water bottle with me at all times. That way I can fill up when I need to.

    I also try to keep a large cup of water around me. For some reason, I find it easier to consume more water when I have a straw in my glass.
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    I think the before photos are a great idea... I will be posting mine probably tomorrow.

    In terms of water intake - try drinking a glass right when you wake up & 1 before every meal. I do this with smaller glasses of water too so then that way it fills me up and I tend to eat less. Using a water bottle has helped me with my water intake and I know that I have heard other people use SEVERAL and keep them all around the house or office so then they have no excuse not to have water near by.

    Welcome again everyone.
    Do we know how many people are on our team / if there are still people missing at all???
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    My water tip is to use the Costco water bottles. They hold 24onz. I make sure to drink 3 of these a day + 1 if I work out. I find it easy to keep track of what I am drinking using these and the colors are nice. :)
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    This is our team :

    kelseyka (cap)

    It seems were all here!!
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Hows everyone doing??? Have we made a dinner yet to take a picture? And hows water intake? Mini challenge something different. Whether its pushups or burpees or going for a walk on a new trail do something to shake up your workout routine! Post here if you'd like to share ideas :)