The Red Team Loft !

marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
Welcome Red Team !

This is where you will socialize, meet and greet, get to know eachother, do challenges here in your loft ! Make sure that you get to know eachother !


  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    So getting lesson from last challenge to keep us motiated we have begun our 20 week challenge(counting this 0 week).

    And i still need your captain ;)

    For many of us, this is a clean slate of getting back on track! For the WEEK O challenge, I thought we might take it BACK TO BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on drinking water and cooking ! I know that this is not the easiest thing for all of us to do .
  • huanu
    huanu Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Team! I am new to the BL challenges so I may need some help understanding things here. I am desperate to get some motivation back into my weightloss. I am really at a standstill for the moment and I need to get the scale moving again.
    My name is Cathy and I am a SAHM. I have two school aged kids.
    I weighed 288 pounds and I now weigh 214 pounds. My goal was to finally get out of the 200s before I turn 40 but considering my b-day is on Wednesday... I doubt I will lose 14 pounds in the next few days!
    Hopefully this challenge will help me finally get out of the 200's!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend and I look forward to working as a team with you all.
  • cherylmaxfield
    Hello team! I am new to this challenge also but I am looking forward to participating! Weight loss is a long road and with encouragement from others everyone is a winner! My thyroid disease makes weight loss difficult for me, but I am motivated to keep losing. Feel free to add me as a friend to encourage each other! GO RED TEAM!!
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi team! My name is Blair and I am very excited to be a part of this! I joined MFP a while ago, but never really used it until a few weeks ago. My biggest struggle is trying to figure out how to eat healthy while maintaining a very busy schedule. I am not a very good cook so that just adds to the troubles. I got married 4 years ago, moved to a new city (where there is not much to do besides go out to eat), got a job where I sit all day long, and gained 30lb in the process. I am highly motivated to make this work and know we can all encourage each other and reach our goals! Go RED team! :)
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Good morning my Lovelies

    I am back to keep you going ;)

    this challenge is from monday

    Pre-game challege 0 week Exercise challenge 04/15 - 04/22 ( 22nd its the our official D day)
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Kassie (: I've also never done something like this before. I think this would be an awesome way to stay focused and motivated after my breakup. I struggled with squeezing in exercise, but I think I can do it.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone! I am so happy to be here! :happy:

    Are you all meeting the challenge? So far I have tried something new...Aqua Zumba! What fun! If you love the water and if its being offered at a pool near you, GO FOR IT!

    I also did my 50 squats this morning. Not my favorite... :ohwell:

    I have been overweight since I started having my children. I have tried so many things, but have never been successful at losing it. My oldest son is now 27...that's a LONG time to be carrying this weight around! This time, I will be successful, I will be thin, and I will never go back. :noway: A few months ago I met with an endocrinologist and a dietician. I advise ANYONE to do this if you believe you are doing the right things but are still having problems losing weight! Since then, I have been losing quite steadily. AND I AM DETERMINED to reach ONE-derland by the summer! :bigsmile: And on to smaller but better things after that!


  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Aqua Zumba! Sounds fun! I've never done zumba but seems pretty popular on this site.

    I went golfing a few days ago (our only nice and sunny day...raining ever since). I'm not very good but it was nice to get out a little.

    I am on day 7 of the 30 Day Squats Challenge, which for me was 80 squats. So far so good :)

    My normal cardio activity is the elliptical trainer, which I've done twice so far this week.

    How is everyone else doing? Go team!!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Aqua Zumba is fun! So is regular Zumba...try it out if you get the chance.

    I am on day 2 of the squat go girl! :happy:

    The elliptical is my favorite as well. I've only done it once this week, so you have me beat. I have class Mondays and Wednesdays, so that interferes with my ability to get to the gym, but the semester will be over in 3 weeks and then I plan on hitting it hard!

    I've never gone golfing...except miniature! LOL! I love it outdoors and on nice days my favorite activities involve walking or hiking. I enjoy hiking up mountains...well, not that much while I'm doing it...but the view from the top of the climb is always well worth the effort!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi Lovelies

    I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our first official week !!!! It is supposed to be still an introduction, so have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    Exercise max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! : mine for example will be trying to go to work on bike. - I would not mind to go home from work but to get there is 90% uphill!!!

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard :-)

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats

    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back.
    can you make at least 350 a week ? E.G. 50 +60+70 +day rest +50 +60 +70
    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most squads

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK ONE FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on fish and cooking fish - let other inspire you with their recipe ! I know that this is not popular choice but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on it is good for us - and for mums especially we need to introduce fish into our kids diet - and I am not talking about fish fingers ;) .... girls all fish counts and vegetarians try Sea Vegetables. Try to eat fish 2x a week. (1 lbs advantage if you manage to eat 2 portions of fish)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 0. It will run from today april 21th - april 28th . I need the pictures and recipe of 1 dish you were cooking this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation . It can be idea for lunch (pack lunch) , dinner , breakfast or even Snack!!!

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is you must have fish in this meal.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 2 weigh in and everyone who post recipe will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    350 squats - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 350 squats an extra 1 lbs for 1 person with most squats
    2 dishes with fish - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Red Team!

    How is everyone doing? Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend! I know mine sure was pretty relaxing although I did do a lot of walking and got my workouts in :)

    Since this is our first official week, let's really go for it and come out with a great start! I know you can do it!! I will be doing some pilates after work and really look forward to it! I also went shopping yesterday and got some pretty good deals on veggies at Costco so will be eating those throughout the week. They're all prepped and cleaned, just need to cook them now (so no excuses for me)! I am a vegetarian so I'll have to figure out something else instead of fish for the recipes challenge.

    Lets go team!
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Good Afternoon Red Team! My name is Tess, I would love it if a seasoned MFP lady would want to be co-captain with me! How is everyone doing today? Have to exercised? Tried anything new?

    Let's do a little red team get to know you! (I know there is one on one of the front pages but I'd like to have one here where we as a team can get to know each other!

    What is your name?
    Do you have any children? Pets?
    What is your favorite food?
    What is your goal for this challenge?
    What are your strengths?
    How about your weakness's?
    What is something your love about you right now?
    Anything you want to add?

    Here is mine:

    What is your name? Tess
    Do you have any children? Pets? I have 2 boys ages 6 and 2
    What is your favorite food? Chicken Philly
    What is your goal for this challenge? My main goal is to help reel me in and gain control of my eating. I would love to lose enough weight to put me below 200.
    What are your strengths? Being able to get myself out the door most days to walk.
    How about your weakness's? Getting food while out! And Starbucks.
    What is something your love about you right now? I am loving that I have been about to lose about 1/2 the weight I gained with my 2 yr old.
    Anything you want to add? I would like to weigh less than 200 by my birthday which is 25 weeks away. So less than 2 pounds a week! I think I can I think I can!!!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Tess! OF COURSE YOU CAN! :)

    What is your name? My name is Marsha
    Do you have any children? Pets? I have 3 grown sons, aged 27, 25, and 21. And they all still live at home. :huh: I also have 2 dogs...Belle and Ellie. Belle is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Ellie is a Chihuahua mix. :heart:
    What is your favorite food? Hmmm...probably everything I haven't eaten since I began this weight loss journey! :bigsmile:
    What is your goal for this challenge? My goal for this challenge is to lose as much weight as I get as close to my goal weight as I can. :glasses:
    What are your strengths? My determination...this time success is not an option. I will be thin. :happy:
    How about your weakness's? My low self-esteem...even though I try to suppress it, it continues to rear its evil head. :cry:
    What is something your love about you right now? Well, I saw my dietician today and she told me I am doing GREAT! :happy:
    Anything you want to add? I started this journey at a far higher weight than I ever recorded in MFP. When I went to the dietician for my first visit, on December 27, 2012, I weighed 256.6 lbs...the most ever. Today when I weighed in at the dietician's office, I weighed 217.6. So even though my profile says that I have lost 27 lbs., I have actually lost 39 and I hope to lose one more before the 27th...40 lbs. in 4 months would be AWESOME! :laugh:
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Red Team I need some weights still :):smile:
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    I thought I would add this right to our loft. How is everyone doing today?

    Hi Lovelies

    I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our first official week !!!! It is supposed to be still an introduction, so have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    Exercise max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! : mine for example will be trying to go to work on bike. - I would not mind to go home from work but to get there is 90% uphill!!!

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard :-)

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats

    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back.
    can you make at least 350 a week ? E.G. 50 +60+70 +day rest +50 +60 +70
    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most squads

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK ONE FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on fish and cooking fish - let other inspire you with their recipe ! I know that this is not popular choice but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on it is good for us - and for mums especially we need to introduce fish into our kids diet - and I am not talking about fish fingers ;) .... girls all fish counts and vegetarians try Sea Vegetables. Try to eat fish 2x a week. (1 lbs advantage if you manage to eat 2 portions of fish)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 0. It will run from today april 21th - april 28th . I need the pictures and recipe of 1 dish you were cooking this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation . It can be idea for lunch (pack lunch) , dinner , breakfast or even Snack!!!

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is you must have fish in this meal.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 2 weigh in and everyone who post recipe will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    350 squats - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 350 squats an extra 1 lbs for 1 person with most squats
    2 dishes with fish - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • SweetEli1003
    SweetEli1003 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my fellow Red Team Mates

    What is your name? My name is Elissa
    Do you have any children? I have a 19 year old son who is graduating this year :happy: and shipping out for the Army on July 9th.:sad: A 10 year old daughter and 6 year old daughter.
    Pets? I have 4 indoor cats. Tinkerbell, Snuggles, Sniper, and Jack ( Named after Jack the Pumpkin King)..... I swear I'm not a crazy cat lady.
    What is your favorite food? Desserts but don't want to get into the details so as not to tempt myself. LOL
    What is your goal for this challenge? My goal is to stay on track. I am determined to lose the weight and feel that accountability and a good fun competition
    What are your strengths? My determination once I get something set in my mind.
    How about your weakness's? Doing exercises.....blah:frown:
    What is something your love about you right now? I love how well I've been doing on my new healthy lifestyle. I've lost 13 lbs in my first 2 weeks.
    Anything you want to add? My mission is to lose 125 lbs by my 40th birthday, which is 18 months away. That is an average of 7 lbs a month and I know with hard work, dedication, and great support I'll be able to accomplish this. I'm hoping this friendly competition will get me where I exercise on a regular basis. LET'S DO THIS!!
  • cherylmaxfield
    What is your name? Cheryl

    Do you have any children? I have a set of identical twin girls 20 years old May 1st

    What is your favorite food? I love Mexican food and cake

    What is your goal for this challenge? To lose the weight I have put on over the years and to keep myself active to keep it off.

    What are your strengths? I have a stubborn disposition so when I put my mind on something I wont stop until I achieve it.

    How about your weakness's? I have a few of those, but Dunk n Donuts coffee was my biggest. I use to drink 2-4 coffees a day but since February I drink 1 a week. It helps to know that each xtra lrg coffee has 270 calories in it!!

    What is something your love about you right now? I love that I have lost 5 inches off my waist and that my husband has noticed it! It really makes me even more driven to keep working hard everyday to achieve my goals.

    Anything you want to add? I absolutely love mfp! I am more aware now of what I eat and how those calories affect me. I love that I am feeling better about myself and have more energy the more I do. I love that I feel guilty when I don’t want to work out and I do it anyways.
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Red Team!!!! How are things going as our 1st week is ticking by? Today I went to the Gym and normally I would do the treadmill or walk the track but decided to do the Elliptical instead. Have you done anything new yet this week? How are your squats going? As your captain I wish I could say mine are going amazing but I am just a regular person just like you.....we are all here for the same reasons, with that said I am working on those squats and I'm sure I'll be a pro by the end of this.

    Please remember to keep track of your Challenges

    I just want to say I thought I sent this through last night. So this is yesterdays message.
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    This week's challenge status:

    1. Monday and Wednesday are tough because I work all day and have class all evening, so I am a bit behind for the week. However, on Tuesday I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. Today I will be taking a spin class. Saturday I am in a 5K and also hope to catch my Aqua Zumba class afterward. The fourth day of cardio is still up for grabs...

    2. The spin class is my something new... :wink:

    3. So far I have done 225 squats...125 to go! I did 70 on Monday, 75 on Tuesday, and 80 this morning.

    4. Yesterday (Wednesday) was my day of rest.

    5. Last night I had broiled swordfish for was awesome! And that's one meal down, one to go...

    Hope everyone is having a super week!
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! Are we supposed to record our challenges anywhere? I'm doing pretty well on the squats and exercise part. I got a little off track on the 30 day squat challenge, but am back on now :) I also did some pilates and cardio this week. I technically didn't work out yesterday, but spent several hours cleaning so I was on my feet, running around for a while. As for something new....I'm hoping to go play tennis this weekend!