My Story

atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
Hi All!

I have been hesitant to share my story for the longest time but feel it is time to open up so I can get perspective and realize that I am not the only person out there who suffers from what I go through and no one understands.

I am seeing a new GP and went for my physical and got the results of my blood work today: perfect health!!! Only thing I am deficient in is Vitamin D.

For the longest time, I have been blaming an under active thyroid on my mood swings, weight gain, depression/anxiety, ect. I do have some growth on my thyroid but my hormone levels are just fine.

I should be happy right? Part of me wishes that this was the cause. Now I just think everything that is wrong with me is mental.

I have only been on Celexa 10mg for three years and got off it 8 months ago because I wasn't impressed with the side effects (ahem low sex drive) and felt it wasn't doing anything. This time I am going to go back on and try to medicate right this time (no drinking on it; that's a whole nother issue) and see if it helps.

You see, I'm a worry wort. I worry about just about EVERYTHING. For most people, the things I worry about are a common part of life but for me it just consumes me. Keeps me up at night, think about worst case scenarios and often times my own fears. I just lost my job after 10 years due to reduction in workforce. I didn't lose my job because I suck, in fact I am very good at what I do, it just part of the beast that is called life. I know I will find something, if not better. But the worrying part of me thinks of the worst case scenario part of it. I can't stop it, in fact I can't explain it. Everything non-medicinal I try to do doesn't work (diet/excercise/yoga). So I have resorted back to medication to see if this time I can feel some relief. This is the worst feeling in the world.

Quick background: Mental illness runs in my maternal side. Often times they have lived undiagnosed. I endured abuse as a child. Most of my maternal side are also alcoholics; I am one of them (on road to recovery). I lost both my parents, twin brother, and nephew in a matter of 5 years. My twin brother died tragically when I was 7 months pregnant and my nephew committed suicide 8 months later. I sought grief counseling and thought it was "OK". From that, I started Celexa.

Now I am going through another challenge in my life with this whole job thing and feel like I am going back to square one.

So I guess my question is, has anyone else found success in Celexa? I HATE taking any pills and resort to lots of praying instead.

I appreciate the support; sorry so long!


  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hi! Welcome!

    First off, good for you for opening up. It's hard to share painful stuff sometimes.
    And you're right, you're not alone :):)

    I hope you're getting your vitamin D shortage taken care of. That can really mess with women for sure.

    If you really want to try medications to help with your mental health, see if you can meet with a psychiatrist.
    A GP will almost always just put you on Celexa and super common SSRI.
    A psych. can work with you to find out what your issues truly are and prescribe a medication accordingly.

    ages ago I was put on Celexa by my GP. I had to quit it because it made me feel numb (and yup, sex problems *terrible*)
    I told him I'd rather cry all day then feel nothing.

    You're life sitchs and worrying sounds a lot like my BFF, who actually benefitted from Wellbutrion (sp)

    Anyway - totally find out if there's a psychiatrist in your medical group you can see. some psychs do both therapy AND prescribing so that's a bonus.

    xx Kitty