diagnosed a couple of hours ago

hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
:drinker: Greetings everyone,

I'm not old, but apparently not young either (44). I hope it's ok to join this group :wink: I just got back abnormal bloods this morning & have been diagnosed with type II diabetes. It's been about 1.5 hours & I'm just trying to wrap my head around it.

My bg was 266 mg/dl. Not fasting, I had a piece of whole wheat toast & jelly right about an hour or so before the blood was pulled. Today they did sent out a u/a & dip indicates I'm spilling plenty of sugar.

I was given a rx for Sitagliptin (have current tummy troubles so Metformin is out & the other drug they wanted to give me was sulfa based, to which I'm allergic, so had to go with the 3rd choice).

Any tips or advice for the newly diagnosed would be greatly appreciated.


  • countesscharleyangel
    countesscharleyangel Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I think the best thing to could tell you is to not go into denial. Everyone I know who is newly diagnosed goes into denial and they don't take care of themselves. They say, "Oh, I'm just prediabetic" or "I'm just newly diagnosed, so my sugar isn't that bad." Believe me, you're diabetic. Take care of it now, and you will feel so much better once your sugar is under control.
  • kittiebittie
    kittiebittie Posts: 39 Member
    I'm a newish diabetic too. My blood glucose was 465 when my blood was done. :P I'm rather lucky I didn't go into a coma.

    They are going to tell you how many carbs you can eat each meal but it seems everyone in my diabetes education class eats 65 for 3 meals a day. You may want to research the dif carbs. I would not eat over 65. You can look at my food diary if you want or look up meals.

    Be careful of eatting out, eating white pasta or rice and drinking juice/soda. Eat whole grain! Much less carbs.